“No!”, I scream, “No, no, no!”
But it’s useless – all my things are gone again. Another thought hits me… Just how did they know? I quickly run to the wardrobe room and grab a silver silk dressing-gown and put it on quickly. Of course, under so much stress, I can’t even get with my hand into the right hole and almost fall down. But then I realize that it’s too late. And if somebody is here – he or she (but probably he) has already seen me!
I breathe out and hold my head high and back straight, putting on the dressing gown slowly and carefully and tying it at my waist with a silk belt. Breathe, Mira, breathe!
I carefully walk out and look around. But the room is empty. I am most definitely here alone. Then how did they…? Or maybe it’s just some kind of spell that someone placed on my room to destroy anything that might make me at least a little bit happy?
I patrol around my rooms once again and … nothing. I am on my own here. Signing,I take my battle daggers with me to bed. Not that they can help me a lot here, but I just feel more comfortable with at least some kind of weapon next to me.
Originally intending for a bath, I take a quick shower instead. And then I am forced to pick another piece of underwear from a vast collection that lord Derrien purchased for me. And to top this off – I slid into a very revealing lacy nightgown in black silk – with deep slits on each side. It hardly covers anything, if I am completely honest. So I put the dressing gown from before on top of it. Shame the nightgown Bella gave me has disappeared as well.
I take a quick glance at the mirror as well and put on the nightgown, climbing onto the bed with my babies – my daggers. It’s been an exhausting few days and I haven’t slept the previous night, so the darkness consumes me fast.
I stand in front of Derrien’s door, debating whether to knock or not. I haven’t seen him for so long and I miss him. I need him!
The door opens on its own and I hear a low chuckle, “I knew you would change your mind, little mage! Come in!”
I walk into his spacious rooms and see him! He is sitting on top of his black sofa wearing nothing but his pants. Everything else is off somewhere… I gulp as this is the first time I see him man half-naked. My cheeks flush but I am unable to take my eyes off him. Because I like what I see! He has so many muscles- oh, gods! I thought he is just big and strong, but the relief of his muscles tells me that he works out daily. Hard! Dereck and the guys from the Academy worked out too, but no one had results similar to Derrien Derwood’s!
Wait, did I really just think that? I should get out of here immediately! What am I even doing here? How did I get here? I have no idea where his room really is, so how in heaven did I get here?Original content from nôvëL$ver.sē_Com.
“Come here, little mage”, Derrien gestures for me to join him on the sofa. No, no way! I am not going!
And yet I do. It’s as if my body doesn’t listen to me anymore. Something else controls it. Is it him? Is it another sick way of his to humiliate me?
When I am right next to him, he pulls me by my hand and I end up on his lap.
“Gods, Mira,” his hand slides across my shoulder and to my waist when I realize that I came to him in that provocative lacy nightdress and the silk dressing-gown, “You are definitely here to tempt me!”
“Lord Derrien”, I flap my eyelashes and look down. Something is forming right under my thighs.
“Tell me, Mira, why did you come to me at this hour wearing next to nothing?”, his husky voice tickles my ear.
“I…I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about you the whole time”, I say. But not really. That’s not me. That’s just my body behaving on its own. And I am really just a witness inside. What the chaos?! I can feel everything she feels, I can hear her thoughts, but it’s like we are two different persons!
“You told me that you don’t want anything to do with me”, he turns away from me but that other me grasps his face in her hands.
“I was afraid!”, she says, looking into his eyes where dark magic flashes already, “I’ve never felt this way about a man! I’ve never…”
“You never what?”, he raises his brow, pulling a lock of hair off my…her…our face.
“I’ve never wanted a man like that!” she spills and flashes red.
“Good”, he chuckles, “And now apologize properly little mage”.
“H-how?”, she is afraid to look at him and so am I.
“Like that”, he takes her chin and slams his l*p into hers, plunging his tongue inside. The me that is not really me, entwines her fingers in his hair and m***s loudly into his lips.
“Derrien!”, she calls his name as he starts showering her neck with k****s.
“Rien”, he says in between, “Just call me Rien.”
“Gods! Rien!”, I almost shout when he pulls the belt of my silky dressing gown and then pushes it lightly off my shoulders, and taking in what he sees, trailing my forms with his fingers.
“You are so beautiful, Mira”, he whispers at the same time as he removes one of the two straps that hold the whole thing on me, “So beautiful and all mine… Say it!”
His k****s get lower and lower, making me lose my mind.
“I am yours, Rien!”, I say and arch my back in his hands.
He grabs me by my neck, “What did you just say?” The angry voice echoes around my room when I realize that it’s not Derrien. Lord Ryden Dargen holds me firmly against my bed, pressing me into the mattress by my throat.
“How dare you, Mira?! How dare you?!”