Chapter 8 - The Triplets' Fighter Luna


I woke up in the middle of the night that night to Evelyn and Henry yelling at each other when he came back from the pub late and was obviously drunker than usual

Evelyn was screaming at him and he sounded like he was trying to yell

back but he couldn't get his words straight. I grabbed a pillow and put it over my head to try and block them out, but that didn't do anything

I looked at the clock and it was 3am

I didn't know how long they were going to be going at it, but Evelyn sounded pretty pissed off

They were just down the hall in their bedroom and I finally heard Evelyn kick Henry out of the bedroom and slam the door

He started stumbling down the hallway but I didn't hear him go downstairs to the couch. He walked past the stairs and I heard him coming towards my room

I put my head up and I saw his shadow under my door and my doorknob started jiggling as he was trying to come in

I just kept my head up, looking at the door pretending like I was asleep. I definitely wasn't going to let this bastard know that I was awake

He eventually gave up and he turned back towards the stairs and he stumbled down them and into the living room

I laid back down and that's when I realized that my heart was practically beating out of my chest

I managed to finally calm down and I managed to get back to sleep

CHAPTER 8 again

I only got a little more sleep before I got up and I got dressed into a white sweater, black tights, socks and sand shoes

After I left the house with a water bottle in my hand I started walking away from the house and this time I followed my long driveway to the road that led to my house and I crossed the road

I walked into the forest across the road and I started hiking along a different trail that was there

I wanted to make sure that I knew my way around this area. It was important that I did. I had already found a few trails and I was starting to get used to the area that we were in. I needed to. Just in case. In case there was an emergency and I needed to flee in a hurry. I needed to make sure that I could get out safely. And if I had to, to get the triplets out of here

I could hear something moving in the distance. The twigs and branches snapping under their heavy weight

I stopped and looked in the direction for a moment but I couldn't see anything. If it was anything too big then I would be able to see it through the trees, no matter how dense this forest was

I continued on with my hike and when I got back home Evelyn was awake in the kitchen but I just went up to my room and gathered some clothes and took them to the bathroom

I had a shower and got dressed for school

When I made sure I had everything that I needed, I walked downstairs and I didn't say anything to Evelyn in the kitchen, I just walked out the front door and into the woods

I stopped at a diner to get a coffee on my way to school since I didn't get much sleep last night and when I got there Lexie was waiting for me out the front

CHAPTER 8 = "Hi." I said

"Hey, tired?" She asked, looking at the large coffee in my hand

"Yeah. Shitty night." I said vaguely. She didn't need to know about my troubles at home

"Fair enough. Are you looking forward to today?" She asked

"Why? What's going on?" I asked

"Izzy is on the warpath. She hates that you faced off against her yesterday." Lexie said. But I just rolled my eyes and shook my head

"Bitches like that just never know when to quit." I sighed

Lexie and I walked inside the school together and I noticed that there were a lot of people watching me

"What the f**k is all this?" I asked

"You know that Izzy can't keep her mouth shut." Lexie said

"So, she's been talking about me to the whole school." I suggested

But Lexie looked around and started shaking her head

"I think she's been threatening to take you on." Lexie said

I saw Jasper walking towards us and Lexie greeted him first because I am not supposed to know him. She knows him better than me

"So, I hope you're prepared today." Jasper said to me

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"She's planning on taking you out in gym. And making it look like an accident." Jasper said. And I nodded my head, not really reacting too much at all

Lexie was starting to look really worried but I just grabbed the books out of my locker

"What are you going to do?" Jasper asked, through my mind without Lexie hearing


"That b***h ain't taking me out." I answered. And he slightly smirked at me

Jasper and Lexie both turned to look down the hallway and I turned to see what they were looking at and the triplets were walking down towards us

The triplets did exactly what I thought they would and they walked past, but the three of them were looking at me as they were walking past

I looked back at Jasper and he gave me a strange look and I knew that s**t was going to go down today

But I just let out a sigh and I started walking down the hallway with Lexie and Jasper

That day was the same as always. The triplets made sure that they were always sitting around me in every class and they sat at the table next to us at lunch time

They were making everyone else at the table nervous, but I was doing everything I could to ignore them

After lunch I knew what was waiting for me. So Lexie and I went to the locker room and we got changed and headed to the gym

We were playing volleyball again, but this time I was in the first group to play so Izzy volunteered to play first as well. But Jasper was sitting on the stand waiting to play second

I looked around and I noticed that the triplets were on my team this time, and Izzy was right in front of me with a malicious smile on her face

"Pm not holding back today, bitch." Izzy said. And I smirked at her

"Pm counting on it." I said


So we started playing and Izzy was belting every ball towards me and the coach eventually told me to move back away from the net

Once I had moved back, she didn't seem deterred and every time she had the ball she was still aiming the ball at me. But the triplets were in front of me

Jasper was sitting on the side and he was closer to Izzy's team and he was concentrating on Izzy, more than anyone else

"She's gonna aim for the girl next to you so it will rebound and hit you

"Jasper said

So once Izzy hit the ball and it got the girl beside me, I leaned backwards and the ball just skimmed past my face but it didn't get me

I helped the girl up that was next to me and she needed to be replaced. But the coach didn't get mad at Izzy

"The coach is human. Why hasn't he benched Izzy yet?" I asked Jasper through our telepathy

"He's too scared to. Her parents are too important in town." Jasper answered

By the time the game was over Izzy was pissed that she hadn't managed to hurt me so she charged under the net and I saw her coming straight for meProperty belongs to nōvél$/vëRSè_cøm.

Her fists were gritted beside her body and she was coming straight for me

"Izzy." Koda yelled. But she charged at me and just as she reached towards me I stepped off to the side and I threw my arm out to knock her on her back on the ground

Everyone stopped moving and talking as I stood over Izzy and I smirked at her. But she wasn't going to stop at that


She threw her leg out and tripped me but I quickly got back to my face and Izzy charged at me again and I took another side step and I punched her in the throat and she fell back, gasping for air and then I kicked her in the stomach and she fell back on the ground again

"Alright. That's enough. Lexie get Nova to the locker room to cool off." The coach finally said, coming between us

So Lexie grabbed me and took me to the locker room while everyone was staring at me. And I could see the side eye that Lexie was giving me

"How the f**k is she strong enough to take down a werewolf?" Lexie thought to herself, but I was listening in

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