Chapter 6 - The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 6 0027%0 MIRO

I sighed as my brother and entered an elevator taking us to the seventeenth floor of the Grand Assembly building. The Grand Assembly was the headquarters of the Alpha King and also where all the Alphas came to meet.

It was here that my brother and I had been summoned for an emergency meeting and since my father, the Alpha King, was behind it. I instantly became uneasy. Suddenly, the suit I was wearing became too hot and I found myself shifting from feet to feet, adjusting my tie "You good?"

I froze before looking at my brother who was standing to my left "We're about to be on trial for bringing a girl onboard our team. What do you think?"

His baby blue eyes watched me the same way our mother did when I was sick and I couldn't bear to be reminded of her, so I Jooked away

"I think we'll be fine. Theon answered coolly, making me more pissed about how unbothered he was

No, you'll be fine. Father will bite my head off."

I felt my brother's gaze heavy on me. "Bringing Ryn onboard was my decision. Whatever Father says, responsibility"

I scoffed in reply, shaking my head. "Of course, you can say that, You're Father's favourite."

I will bear the

A beat of silence passed and I expected a reaction, maybe some anger down our bond but nothing happened. Theon was back to being a robotic asshole.

"I thought we were past this." Theon stated.

"I would be, if Father doesn't remind me otherwise every now and then." I answered bitterly

Another beat of silence passed. "We are brothers first before we are his sons. Okay?"

I sighed, before finally nodding in answer. That statement was our slogan. A promise we made to our mother to stick together and show up as a united front against our father. It was a vow to never let him turn us against each other but as time goes by. I am starting to get wary of this commitment.

"Til always have your back, Ro." Theon said, just as the elevator came to a stop. "I hope you will have mine."

Before I could reply, the elevator opened and Theon stepped out I couldn't really blame him for being so cold and detached. We both had been taught from an early age that emotions were weaknesses and to be an Alpha, you had to kill that part of you

I guess my father succeeded with Theon but with me? A memory flashed in my mind's

Emotions will get you killed!Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

The words of my father rang in my head right before his claws tore through my back. I was twelve years old then and I still bear the stars from that night. Yet, despite it all, rather than let emotions go, I held on to anger and guilt and it has been a part of me for decades, eat Π

The elevator opened into an empty hallway with a double door at the end and security men manning it. When we reached the door, the security men bowed before opening them Chapter 6

Inside was a room with a large circular table made of polished oak wood right in the center and around this table, the Alpha King and some of his Alphas sat. The Alpha King was a man in his late sixties with his face in a permanent scowl. His lips. were always downturned of his Alphas had faces similar to his -blank and expressionless, betraying nothing. My mother once told me that this was how Alphas were made - cold, emotionless and robotic.

a scat.

"Greetings." Theon said with a slight bow of his head to the Alpha King, before taking a

"Greetings Theon" Our father grumbled.

"Greetings, your majesty. I bowed before taking a seat on Theons right hand but I was greeted with silence. My father had barely looked my way before he faced my brother. "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

My hands curled into fists at the blatant disrespect. I wasn't new to being ignored by my father but doing that in front of all these Alphas was just a new low

"Don't let him get to you. Theon mindlinked me but it was too late. He's already got to me especially as his Alphas glanced at me and looked away, I just knew they pitied me. I knew they saw the boy who could never have his father's love. My felt hot again but I didn't dare move to adjust my tic. I won't give my father the satisfaction of knowing he affected me this


"We are gathered here today because it has been brought to our attention that you and Prince Miro recruited a girl into your Elite team. Is that so?"

All the alphas turned to face us. Theon leaned back in his chair, ever so unbothered. "To set the record straight, recruiting Ryn Ashmore was solely my decision. Prince Miro simply did what I asked as his superior." "Why"

"Because I believe it's time for a change? Women are making it in advanced fields now, so why not this?"

"Women are nothing more than child-bearing machines, Prince Theon. Their sole purpose is to be a wife and make a home" My father replied and his men nodded in approval.

"I beg to disagree, your Highness." Theon said. "I feel women should be given a chance to go to war."

"Feel?" Our father scoffed: "I didn't raise you to feel, Theon. I raised you to think logically, like a cold, blooded killer!"

"And I am doing that"

"Doesn't seem like it to me. I've read her file. She's an omega who doesn't even shift! In a room full of unmated alpha, beta and gamma males, Sue's trouble. She's a distraction!" "My men are handling at fine."

"You think so now but according to reports, forty three girls signed up to be an Elite next year. Forty three, Theon! That's more than two-third of a team! What about five years to come?! This is a disaster!" "Is it, your Highness? I think it's a revolution"

"Revolution my ass! Your men won't be able to cope!"

Theon's eyes hardened. "I am their Commander and I know my men. If they can't control themselves around a wo then we might as well lose the war that is coming"

A moment of silence settled on us all I could tell from the look on the faces of some Alphas that they were beginning to see things Theon's way


"Fine. We put it to a vote Our father said after a moment. "I want Ryn Ashmore gone?

000 27:

For the first time in a while. I saw the slightest hint of a reaction. Theon grinded his jaw. "Very well, your Highness." He gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "But before you do, I have one more thing to say." Our father leaned back in his chair. "Go on."

Theon leaned forward, folding his hands on the table. He looked every Alpha in the eye before speaking. "For every lost female, there is a male doomed to never find a mate. We can't deny that women are vital to our survival but if we can train them to defend themselves

I couldn't help the small smile that graced my lips as my brother finished his speech. He always had a way with words. I just hope it got through some of these cold, dead hearts,

"Time to vote. My father said. "All in favor of removing the girl and putting a permanent ban on women joining the force, say Ave."

Six raised hands. -

"All in favor of keeping the girl!"

Six raised hands.

"So it's a tie." My father began to say but my brother turned to me.

"No it's not." He said and everyone turned to me. "We have a thirteenth pers


with us."

"His vote doesn't count." My father said dismissively, and the anger that had once dissipated came up again. I curled my fists tighter so hard that my nails dug into my flesh. The pain became a welcome distraction. "You forget that I am a Prince too, Father." I said bitterly. "I outrank all your Alphas here."

Silence settled upon us as my father pinned me with cold, green eyes filled with hatred and disgust, "Go on, then." He spat. "Use your vote wisely."

I knew what he meant by that last word.

If I vote in his favour, that meant throwing Ryn under the bus. Was it worth it? Would my father finally warm up towards me? And will he finally forgive me for what happened ten years ago?