The moment we left the Grand Assembly, my brother murmured something about seeing me later before leaving on his power bike.
1, on the other hand, had chosen to go home, cook dinner before retreating to my office. Once I got there, I turned on my computer and watched footage from the first day of training.
It was hard not to notice Ryn.
From her abnormal levels of strength and endurance, to the way she flicked her hair in pride, any warm blooded man could tell that Ryn was a special one.
I remembered the first time I saw her. She had been upset and her rage had been electric, changing the temperature in the
And when she turned? I could have sworn that my heart skipped a beat and it hasn't done that in years. She had the air of a goddess with those silver eyes and silky black hair cascading down in waves.
I remembered touching her face and feeling faint sparks from it. Then for a brief moment, her scent had filled the air, making my wolf stir, before it vanished
People don't just feel sparks unless they are...I shook my head. It's impossible, Ryn is not my mate. Maybe I imagined it. I really hope it's my imagination because if it's real, then I feel sorry for her. I'll never give her the love she deserves.
I heard the door open downstairs and several feet pour in Checking the cameras, I saw my brother come in, with his arms slung around two women.
They wobbled like they were drunk but I knew better. Those girls might be tipsy but my brother could drink the whole bar and not even get drunk, unless...
I left my office and locked it. When I looked down from upstairs, I found that one of the girls, a blonde, had removed her top and was now dancing half naked, making her large boobs bounce while Miro sat with the other girl and watched. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache come on.
I hate this, but as much as I hated the scene, I went downstairs. By the time I got there, the other girl, a brunette, was kissing Miro while grabbing his boner.
Sounds of soft moans filled the air as I stood with my hands in my pockets watching the scene unfold. Just when the topless blonde went on her knees and was about to unbuckle my brother's belt, I cleared my throat,
All three of them looked at me.
"Wow!" The Blonde looked from me to Miro "You're a twin?"
I blinked in what I could call utter disappointment before looking at my brother who also mirrored the same sentiment. "Will he be joining us?" The blonde asked, biting her finger as she gave me a sultry look that made my skin crawl. "No, he won't." Miro scoffed, and rolled his eyes. "My brother's a celibate."
The blonde's amber eyes went round with surprise before narrowing in mischief. "That's sad." She whined in a pathetic soft voice as she approached me. "A handsome guy like you shouldn't miss out on all the fun."
She came within a few feet of me and raised a finger to touch me
"Ashley, you don't want to do that." Miro warned. All amusement from his face, gone.
"My name is Annie!"
The blonde bit back.
"Whatever it is. Don't touch him." Miro ordered. "He doesn't like it!"
The blonde looked at me and pouted before stepping away. I released a silent breath, grateful she obeyed because I might have had to hurt her if she did, in fact, touch me.
"He's so hot!" The Brunette whispered to her, then they giggled as they both wobbled to the other staircase. When they got there, the blonde stopped and looked back at me.
She must have mistaken my blank stare for interest because she pulled down her mini skirt, slowly revealing her backside clad in red lingerie. Slowly, she took out her long, slender legs and giggled as she held her skirt in one hand.
"I'll be waiting for you, Handsome... that's if you change your mind." She winked and giggled again before trying her best to catwalk up the stairs.
I shook my head. Once the e girls were out of sight, I turned to my brother.
There had been a bottle of expensive wine open on the table and Miro went for it, chugging down its contents while avoiding my eyes. When he brought down the bottle and wiped his mouth. I detected a whiff of something in the air-the scent of a herb. Hooked at his eyes and when I found his pupils dilated, anger sparked in my bones.
"If you're trying to be an alcoholic, it doesn't suit you." I said, icily.ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .
My brother sighed before glaring at me. "And who are you to tell me what suits me? Hmm?"
Thad a reply coming but I held my tongue. I tend to be a bastard when angry and my brother didn't need that right now.
Miro scoffed and rose to his feet, his face, now twisted in anger. "You're just like Dad, you know?! Standing there, looking self righteous while silently judging me for my sins!"
I maintained my silence and that seemed to anger Miro more.
"Fuck you, Theon!" Miro jabbed a finger at me. "I'll do whatever I want! I'll fuck whoever I want! I don't care!"
Miro grabbed the bottle and stormed to the stairs.
"Ro?" I mindlinked him and he stopped at the foot of the staircase with his back to me. "Thank you for having my back today. I know how much of a sacrifice that was and I won't take it for granted."
A beat of silence passed.
"I didn't do it for you," Miro replied and then he went up the stairs.
Somehow I felt sorry for him. My father was a bastard manipulator using guilt as a means to make Miro do his bidding. 1 hate it but there is nothing I could do to stop it. Unless Miro forgives himself for what happened ten years ago, my father will continue to use it to hurt hi
In the meantime, I have to make sure Ryn doesn't waste his sacrifice so from now on, I'm paying extra attention to her. The idea of working one on one to improve Ryn suddenly made me feel excited and that stopped me in my tracks.
Why did I feel excited? Am I doing this purely based on professional reasons or does this have to do with what I felt around her that day?
Tue, Oct 22 Chapter 9
I shook my head and went up the stairs.
Going back to my office, I was just about to turn off my computer, when I discovered that I had an email. Opening it, I saw it was from the Principal of Lycantide High.
I was just about to read when a call came in on my private line.
Now, not many people have that line and those who do, know that it is only used for emergencies. So I was surprised when I saw my cousin's caller ID on the phone. "Hello" I said, after picking the call.
"Hi Uncle Theon. Ive been trying to reach you all day." My cousin sniffled, which immediately put me on alert.
"Sorry pumpkin. I was in a meeting. Tell me what's wrong, Sadie Who hurt you?"
"No one hurt me, but I need to ask a favor from you." She whimpered. "I promise it's very important."
I leaned back in my chair, curious. This was the first time Sadie was using this line since I gave it to her. So definitely, what she's asking must be really worth it. "Fine. Shoot." Sadie released a sigh of relief on the other end. "I need your help with a friend of mine. She got into trouble at school and I think you are the only one that can save her."
Somehow, I had a feeling that this 'friend' had something to do with the email from Lycantide High. So I leaned back in my chair and sighed. "Fine. I'm listening"