Chapter 5 - The Tycoon’s Remorse Pursuing His Unforgettable Bride

Having to deal with a bitchy third wheel


I stopped in my tracks at Sofia’s words. Did she just say her “favorite flower?”

I shook my head, refusing to let her words distract me, as I said to her, “can I have it?”

Sofia swirled around to face me, the flower clutched tightly to her chest that I feared she would ruin it. “Have what?”

“The bouquet, hand it over. It is mine, Jared got it for me.”

Sofia sneered and turned to Jared. “Jared, the flower is for me, right? Remember, back then during high school days, you used to gift me lavender flowers when you came to pick me up on prom nights.”

Jared looked thorn, as he looked from me to Sofia. I couldn’t believe he was

contemplating it. That flower was mine for Christ’s sake, he should simply ask her to hand it back to me, the rightful owner.

“Ummm… Arielle, let Sofia have it. I will get you another one tomorrow, I promise,Jared finally said.

My mouth fell open in surprise. I couldn’t believe my ears. Yet again, Jared had chosen his crush over me.

“You are unbelievable, Jared!” I exclaimed.

Sofia turned and smirked at me, a triumphant look in her eyes. Only I could see her because she had her back to Jared.

“I can’t stand this,” I said, raising my hands in mock surrender. “You two can have the house to yourselves, I will look for a hotel to crash in.”

I turned around and stormed off to the place where I kept my bag, ready to leave. As expected, Jared appeared beside me, his face apologetic.

“Arielle, I’m sorry. You don’t always have to lose your cool. She’s pregnant, and I heard pregnancy hormones affect women’s behavior a lot.”

I wanted to scream and ask him what about me? Was I not pregnant too? And then the bitter reality dawned on me that yet again, my chance of breaking the news of my pregnancy to Jared had been ruined.


Having to deal with a bitchy third wheel

“Arielle say something, please,” Jared pleaded as I refused to say a word.

“I have nothing to say. Leave my way, I have to get a hotel before it gets too late,” I finally said, making to walk past him.

“I’m truly sorry, Wifey. Fine, how about I make us dinner? I know you hate making dinner at night, so I’m volunteering to take up the task tonight.”

I sighed, as I considered his offer. I hated cooking dinner late, and I hate eating out too. If I sleep at a hotel tonight, I am definitely going to eat out.

Reluctantly, I accepted Jared’s offer. Making dinner will be the perfect punishment for Jared, as he will have to do the dishes afterward. And besides, I wouldn’t want to leave my husband alone with Sofia.

I was just about to let him know that I had accepted his offer when Sofia spoke from behind me.

“Why would you offer to cook, Jared? Cooking is a domestic chore, and is meant for women alone. You see, I have been working hard all day, cleaning this whole house. and putting away decorations I found Medieval and out of vogue. I’m so tired and can’t lift a pin, else, I would have offered to do the cooking. As for you, Jared, I’m sure you are tired as well. Being a billionaire CEO is no easy feat, and after a long day at work, you deserve to rest. Arielle, here, should do the cooking. She seems so energetic and even ready to get into a fight, the energy will be a lot useful if she uses it to make us dinner. Besides, she is a domestic worker and cooks for a living.”

I was dumbstruck as I listened to Sofia ramblings. With the way it spoke,a stranger would have mistaken her for the mistress of the house.

Jared must have realized that Sofia was crossing the line because he immediately


“That’s enough, Sofia. You can’t speak to my wife in that manner. Please do not go to that extent next time,” Jared chided.

Although I was not all too satisfied with his tone, I was glad that Jared had finally spoken up and put Sofia in her place. Now, it was my turn to make faces at her, and I didn’t even think twice.

Sofia immediately puts on a hurt expression. “I can’t believe this, Jared. I wasn’t being rude to her, I was merely telling the truth. You have changed a lot since you got .married, Jared. You have forgotten the bond we used to share,”

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Having to deal with a bitchy third wheel

“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Sofia. But…”

I didn’t wait for Jared to finish as I walked off, leaving them to themselves. I was disappointed in Jared. This minute he scolded her, the other, he is trying to pacify


I arrived in the kitchen and began to take out the ingredients I will be needing for dinner preparation. I intended to make macaroni, chicken, and cheese.

A few minutes into it, Jared stepped into the kitchen, looking remorseful.

“I would like to help with dinner preparation, Arielle,” he said, coming to stand beside

  1. me.

I knew telling him no will be of no use as he will only grow persistent, so I merely shrugged and carried on with what I was doing.

“What are we having,” Jared asked.

I knew he was trying to initiate a conversation because a mere glance at the ingredients on the kitchen counter could tell anyone what we were having. 1

“Macaroni, chicken and cheese,” I said simply.

I was in a complicated mood, and In no way interested in a conversation with him.

After getting the ingredients ready and having placed the macaroni on fire, I turned to Jared, a serious look on my face. “For the last time, Jared, I want you to clarify your relationship with Sofia.”

Jared sighed and took my hands in his, caressing them softly. “I promise you, Arielle, Sofia and I are just friends. I had a huge crush on her back then in high school, but that was all there was to it.”

I nodded, and took my hands from his as I went to check on the food on fire. Jared helped with the remaining preparation of the food and a few minutes later, dinner was ready.

I set the table, while Jared cleaned the kitchen after me.

“I will go

go call Sofia,” he said to me, as I settled in the dinning room to eat dinner.

I nodded, without looking up, my attention fixated on my food. Seconds later, I heard approaching footsteps and I knew it was Sofia and Jared.

Having to deal with a bitchy third wheel

I refused to look up, focusing on my food. I heard Sofia pull the chair opposite me, and settled in it.

“This smells nice, I hope it tastes nice too,” Sofia said, as she uncovered her food.

Jared sat down on the seat beside me, and soon, everyone was digging into their plates.

Suddenly, Sofia made a throaty sound and the next second she was on her feet as she scurried away from the dinning. Jared went in hot pursuit, while I sat back, wondering what was happening.

I didn’t have to wonder for long because Jared and Sofia returned minutes later, with Jared looking worried, and Sofia looking pale.

“What happened?” I inquired, looking from Jared to Sofia.

“What happened is that you tried to poison me, making it the second time. First, it was at the restaurant, and now, in your house. What did I ever do to you?” Sofia said, feigning tears.

“I don’t understand. Why would I poison you? Jared was in the kitchen with me, and I served everyone the same food,” I said defensively.

“You added milk to the macaroni, and I am allergic to milk!” Sofia yelled.

“That’s right, Arielle. Sofia is allergic to milk. You shouldn’t have added it to the meal,” Jared said.

I was too stunned to look at Jared. We were in the kitchen together, and he saw me use the ingredients, milk was never part of them.

I rose to my feet, having lost appetite.

“Just for the records, Sofia, I never used milk in that dish. As a matter of fact, that’s my milk–free recipe. But what difference does it make? You already decided that I poisoned you. Good night,” I said, smiling