Damien’s pov
I watched helplessly as she screamed. I don’t know what to do!
I have never been in a situation like this. I usually smile and laugh when others are afraid of me. But I don’t want HER to feel terrified of me.
I hung my head low and sighed dejectedly. I am useless. I can’t even make my mate feel good!
After what felt like hours, she quietened down. It took a lot of effort. Me being pushed in the corner. A couple bottles of chilled water. And a few nurses.
When she calmed down i cautiously stood besides her. Her eyes were closed but i had a feeling she was not sleeping.
I sat on the chair as quitely as possible. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I have not spoke to Nate yet, so I don’t know what happened with Mason the moron. But i have a positive feeling it was not good. For him.
I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw the nurse from before. The dirty look she was giving my mate before din’t go unnoticed.
I looked at her in anger and confusion.
“What the hell does she want now?!” My wolf Dom yelled in my head.
“My head is already pounding! Don’t you yell and make it worse Dom!” Honestly he can be a big pain in the a*s sometimes.
I remembered the nurse looking at me and again i looked up. She was smiling sweetly. Too sweetly. I inwardly cringed. I don’t like her, not her attitude and the confidence? Absolutely not!
I shrugged her hand off my shoulder and her smile flattered a bit.
“What the hell do you want?!” I whisper- yelled. I dont want my mate to be disturbed by some silly creature.
“You! I want you baby. I know you want me too. Why are you wasting your time on this thing when we can spend it togeather?” She said in a seductive tone. She failed miserably. It sounded like someone was choking her.
I stood up and faced her.© nOvêlsve-RSé-cóm - All rights reserved.
“How dare you! The person sleeping on the bed has a name. Isabella. She is not a thing. And if you think i will leave a precious gem like her for a good-for-nothing-blonde-bimbo then you can’t be more wrong! I saw the looks you were giving her. I kept my anger at bay because I didn’t want my bella to be anymore afraid of me than she already is! But you crossed the line now. Get out of my sight right now or so god help me. I will rip you to shreds. Literally!” I said in a slight raised voice.
I would have full on yelled at her but my bella is still resting.
The girl scrambled out the room.
Are all the members of the pack stupid!?
First the slutty luna. Stupid
Then the Alpha. More stupid
And then the nurse. Can’t get anymore stupid!
I sighed and ran a hand through my thick black hair.
That’s when i heard it. I froze on my spot.
Turning around i saw my bell and i swear i heard my heart break into pieces.
My bella was crying. And I don’t know why.
Most importantly I don’t know what to do.
I started crying too….