Isabella’s pov
When i saw Damien giving Alpha Mason that look, i knew it was the start of something bad.
But before i could do anything Nina pulled me upstairs to her room. When we reached the bedroom Nina tripped on a stuffed panda and fell face first onto the bed.
She huffed and sat up indian style and patted the place for me to sit. I sat next to her but could not get myself to focus on her words. I was thinking what was going on between the two Alphas.
A light slap on my thigh stopped the train of thoughts in my head.
“I know you are not listening to me. what are you thinking about Isa?” Nina asked softly
“What do you think is going on downstairs?” I asked back
“I don’t know what is going on there but i can assure you that Damien know what is good for us and he will not do anything stupid. Relax Isa. I can tell Damien would have already solved the problem and is now planning to sabotage our plan for girls day!” She said confidently.
“How do you know what he is planning.?” I asked.
“Oh i know him! He is probably hunting for excuses so that he could see you.” She replied.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.
“You can be wrong” i said and she just shook her head.
“Ok then i will count to 20 and I’m 100% sure he will be here by then” Nina said.
I just shrugged.
“Did you have your medicine baby?” Damien said poking his head from the door.
Nina burst out laughing. I let out a soft chuckle.
“Is there something wrong?” Damien asked walking in.
“Oh nothing. I just told Isa how you must be planning to join us on girl day. And here you are.” Nina said and i saw a hint of pink oh Damien’s cheeks.
“Ha, puff, why would i do that? I just came to check whether she took all her medicine or not.” He explained.
“No i forgot.” I said looking down
“Baby you have to take care of yourself. If you don’t take your medication how can you be healthy. I know eating bitter pills can be painful, but you have to take them.” He said while searching the drawers for my medicine.
He handed me a glass of water and gave me three big tablets.
I gulped them down one by one and gave the glass back to damien.
“Now that Isa has taken her medicine you can leave. We are here to spend some girl time FYI.” Nina glared at Damien.
He sighed and came to me and hugged me one last time. Squishing me in his arms.
“I’ll miss you. Don’t have too much fun without me.” He said.
“Ya ya now go!” Nina pushed him out of the room.
“Don’t forget about me Princess! I’ll come back to get you!” He said dramatically.
“Bye prince come back to me soon” i called after him.
He smiled and i blew him a k**s. He pretended to catch it and kept it in his shirt pocket.
He was soo cheesy and dramatic!
After sometime me and Nina were sprawled on the floor with blankets all over us and watching a show called teen wolves. It’s really good. It’s ironic actually.
We finished 3 tubs of ice cream, that Damien dropped off earlier as he promised before. A few bags of chips and cookies.
It was getting dark now. I checked the clock and it said 5:30.
Nina and i cleaned the room and before i could get out of the room ahe grabbed my wrist and hugged me.
“Do you think we can go shopping tomorrow? You really need clothes.” She said.
“I’ll ask Damien. Then we can go together.” I replied.
“Ok good night, girly friend!” She said
“Good night.”
I entered Damien’s room and the sight was hilarious.
Damien was sprawled on the bed. His head resting on the head board. A sulking expression painted on his face.
When he saw me his face instantly brightned and hoped off the bed and tackled me in a hug.
“I missed you!” He exclaimed.
“I was just next door.” I said
He broke the hug and kissed me on the cheek.
“You had dinner?” I asked
“Yeah i brought my dinner here, i figured you would be already full from all the snacks. And just so you know the food was absolutely horrible. Not edible. I had to settle for fruits and salad.” He said frowning and making disgusting faces.
“You must be hungry then! I’ll go to the kitchen and make something for you really quick!” I said and bounced to the kitchen.
I looked around and found some chicken. I made some grilled chicken and filled them in a taco with some sauce.
I walked back to the room with the tray in my hand.
Damien was sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone. He saw me approach and smiled.
I kept the tray with tacos in front of him. He eyed them for a few seconds and then started eating.
He m****d at the taste and i knew the food was ok.
“How is it?” I asked
He gulped the food and looked at me with a smile.
“It’s incredible! I Have had a taco so delicious!” He said and kissed my cheeks.
He then continued eating till the tray was clean. I was about to carry the tray when he stopped me.
He took both of my hands and kissed my palm and fingers.
“These hands have magic in them. Food was really delicious” he said. The look in his eyes said that the words were true.
I washed the tray and left it on the rack.
I entered the room and saw Damien had already changed.
He came to me and gave me one of his t-shirts. I looked up confused.
“Wear this, the material is really soft. I know you are not comfortable in those clothes. You can wear my clothes till we go shopping for you. Here” he handed me the t-shirt and kissed my forehead.
I remembered something.
“Damien Nina was asking if we could go shopping tomorrow? If you agree. She really wanted to go.” I asked
“Of course princess. Be ready after breakfast. We can go after that.” He said smiling.
He smiles a lot. But it suits him.
I went to the bathroom and changed. The t-shirt reaches to my knees and the sleeves go past my elbows.
I pouted. I am 4’8. Im really short i guess. Or maybe Damien is too huge.
I sighed and exited the bathroom. Damien laid on his stomach on the extra bed. I can tell he is not comfortable on the twin size bed.
I sat on the foot of the bed and shook him lightly.
“Hmm” he responded looking at me “you know my clothes look better on you than me”
I blushed and he chuckled.
“Damien i think you should sleep on the other bed. This bed is clearly small and uncomfortable for you.” I said.
“No princess, I’m very comfortable. You go and sleep there. I’m all good.” He gave me a thumbs up and rolled over.
“You know that bed is very big, we both can fit” i said without thinking.
“What?” He asked shocked.
“We can both share the bed. If you don’t mind.” I said.
He thought about it for a minute.
“Are you sure? Cause i tend to cuddle with the pillows or maybe even you.” He said and his cheek became pink.
“Yeah I’m sure we’ll manage. Come on” i said and got under the covers.
Soon he joined me. There was tension in the air. Both awkwardly laying on the bed.
Then Damien moved to face me and wrapped his arm around my waist. My back against his chest, i moved closer and cuddled.
We both relaxed and soon sleep took over.