Chapter 46 - The Wanted Alpha


“Well, if it ain’t my favourite traitor.”

“Unfortunately for you, no, he’s detained indefinitely” Ethan spoke cooly.

There was a pause on the other end, the receiver clearly not anticipating a different voice. But whatever surprise the man may have held, he hid it almost instantly.

“Don’t suppose you’re as willing to sell your secrets to me as your little pack member, ay Ethan?” there was a mockery to his tone and him addressing my mate by his name was a clear sign of his disrespect.

I gripped his hand, feeling his growl start to vibrate through him ‘don’t give him the satisfaction’ I mind-linked him.

“As pleasant as all this is, I know you’re in contact with Nicholas Firth. Tell him, when he’s ready to face me like a damn Alpha, I’m ready for him. Unless he wants me to keep sending him the bodies of his dogs” though his voice was measured, I could feel his irritation growing.

“Damn, that she-wolf must be something. She’s got everyone running round after her just for some damn land. Just a shame you beat me to her, her head came with a nice price” he chuckled, darkly “Fine, I don’t normally play ‘messenger boy’ but you pack are pretty entertaining” and with that the line went dead.

Ethan immediately turned the phone off and threw it into the chair opposite the bed. I knew he probably wanted to break it into a million pieces, but there may be things on it that’d be important. Whoever the man was seemed pretty calm to be speaking to the Alpha he’d been stealing from, but then again in the life he had chosen he was probably used to it. When Ethan had found me, he mentioned a man that had been asking for someone with my description…that could very well have been him.

“I really hope I did the right thing, there” Ethan sighed as he leant back on my chest.

“It’s not like there’s a lot of options and they’re all crappy anyway…I’ve done hiding and waiting…it’s exhausting. We both know he’ll try again. The only other option was to go there, where he has the home advantage…” I trailed off, starting to feel guilty again that I brought all this here.

‘Hey, don’t. Because of you we found the traitor and you kinda saved Jude from the biggest mistake of his life’ he comforted through mind-link, obviously feeling my inner guilt.

I held him around his shoulders a little tighter as he started talking about stationing cameras outside the border, tracking werewolf movements out of Montana, even tracking private flights into nearby airfields. They were all good ideas…just maybe not at well past midnight while he was functioning on virtually no sleep.

“Ok, Mr. Alpha. I appreciate your battle plans, but I think it’s time to get you in bed” I urged as I slipped his shirt over his head, smiling as I sneakily took in the way his muscles flexed on his back and how right my mark on his neck looked.

“Ok, I take the hint” he laughed softly “just one last thing and I swear I’ll go to sleep.”

He took out his own phone tapping a few times, explaining that a bank account of the pack’s was compromised so needed freezing…another one of Kevin’s doings.Exclusive content from nové-L-$-vèR$è//com.

With him finally done, I pulled him tight to my chest, wrapping my arms around him. He’d barely closed his eyes when I heard the soft snores coming from his lips. I spent a few minutes just brushing back the locks of dark waves from his forehead and adoring the innocent face he held when he slept. I knew a storm was coming and moments like this were precious, but I was determined he wouldn’t face it alone. He may not like it, he’ll probably fight me on it, but I was done running from that man and letting him take from me.


I woke up to Ethan exactly where I left him last night, snuggled against my chest with his head tucked under my chin. He never even stirred as I got up, showered and dressed, so I left him a little note so he wouldn’t panic when he woke to find he was on his own. I grabbed a small bag with some athletic clothing too, hoping I’d be able to get some training in today and headed down for breakfast.

I was happy to see the three vampires and the small group of wiccans sat with some of our pack and also a little surprised that Jude and his mate were already up too. I thought given last night’s events, we wouldn’t have seen them for quite a while.

I greeted the group before grabbing myself a plate of breakfast and joining them. The four children were busy eating, while the eldest, Oak, was trying to get the sapling in front of him to bloom, much to the delight of the two she-wolves watching him.

“I didn’t think we’d be seeing you 2 so early” I commented to the two new mates.

“My Ma didn’t give me much choice. She’s not happy that I didn’t immediately bring my mate by to meet them and my folks heard about last night. So I’m stealing their leader again” Jude thumbed towards the other vampires with a grin while I noticed his other hand slipping elsewhere under the table, much to the chagrin of his mate as he flashed his eyes in annoyance and indicated the children at the table.

“Maeryn wanted to go into the town anyway to get some things for the kids, so he’s not exactly missing much” Rhian said with his arm around his wife.

“Oh if that’s the case, here” Jude spoke as he took out his wallet and handed them a card “it’s for pack stuff. You can keep hold of it for now till you’re settled, so go wild.”

He was thanked profusely for his generosity, he really was incredibly thoughtful. The topic turned to the couple’s upcoming ceremony in three days, it seemed that vampires didn’t typically tie the knot so soon after meeting.

“I still can’t believe you’re getting married this quickly. And you called Bastiaan the hopeless romantic!” Maeryn laughed out.

“Who’s Bastiaan?” I asked.

“…He was my younger brother, he was the only family that…came with me from the Netherlands…but he fell with the pack we lived alongside” Christopher spoke with a dignified sadness while Jude wrapped an arm around him.

I felt for the vampire so deeply, I knew what it was like to have everything taken from you. And we may have a threat hanging over our heads currently, but I wouldn’t allow it to ruin their ceremony. Whatever happened we would deal with it.

“Can I ask what you need for the wedding? I’ve never seen vampires get married, but I’d love to help you guys plan!”

“I already spoke to some of the cooks here who are happy to help out. Plus my dad will want to cook up a storm” Jude paused to laugh a little “he’s probably gonna shit-a-brick when I tell him this one’s vegan!” indicating his mate next to him.

It seemed the ceremony itself was simple, all they needed was a wedding ring each but definitely a blanket and towel for when they got out of the water.

“I guess you’ll want me to bake something for you too?” Carrick announced as he sat down on the other side of Jude.

“Those pumpkin turnovers of yours would be amazing” the Beta grinned.

“Didn’t you eat enough of those last time you broke in, freeloader?” Carrick playfully reprimanded “Chris, please tell me you can bake?”

“A little, I suppose?” he answered, sounding somewhat confused “just enough to amuse the children.”

“Perfect level for him! It’ll keep the moocher outta my kitchen!”

Jude wrapped his arm around Carrick’s neck, pinching his cheek “nothing’s keeping me outta ya kitchen. You’d miss me too much anyway.”

Carrick managed to wrestle out of his grip, glaring while the children giggled at the two silly grown men.

“It’s good to see I am not the only one you like to aggravate” Christopher spoke lowly to his mate.

“Awww, you jealous, sweetheart?” he challenged back, quietly, in an exchange that was quickly becoming heated, especially in front of children.

“I think it’s time we get you little seedlings outside for some fresh air before you don’t have innocent eyes anymore!” Maeryn clapped her hands together, eliciting excited smiles from the children as they scurried to put their coats on, oblivious to anything else said.

The two she-wolves sat at the table suggested tagging along with them to see the children’s centre first. It would be a good way for them to meet some of the pups and humans their age from the pack and with their powers, I was sure they’d be incredibly popular. Jude and Christopher left not long after to meet the in-laws; though his smile at times had been a little strained, it was good to see that he had let go of all that anger.

“Hey, Carrick? Do you think you could help me train today? Bryce had started, but he’s probably exhausted from yesterday” I asked.

“Sure. I had come by to see Ethan and go over some things from yesterday, but seeing as he’s not here, I take it he’s still sleeping?”

I nodded and with the last of my breakfast eaten we set off for the training centre.


The two of us sat on the mat catching our breaths. Carrick was most definitely a faster fighter than Bryce, maybe not quite as strong but as a Gamma his attributes, like my own, were speed and his sense of smell. We’d gone through some more strengthening exercises, building on what Bryce had started to teach. We had even trained in our wolf form too, where he showed me how to utilise our speed to attack the lethal spots on our enemy. August had had the time of her life and had absorbed nearly everything thing she had learnt…and possibly a little too eager to put it into practice too.

“Dang, Bryce wasn’t kidding about you. Normally only Ethan’s faster than me, I’m guessing you give him a run for his money?”

“Just a little” I laughed, remembering when we first went running together and Ethan thought he needed to slow down for me “thanks for this, really. I don’t know who else I could’ve asked.”

“Greer’s a pretty decent teacher for a young warrior, but he’ll be focusing on his mate soon” at his words, his face scrunched up into a wince “dammit, I wasn’t supposed to say anything.”

“Is she ok? She’s not sick, is she?”

“No…she’s pregnant. They’re not telling anyone, because she’s had difficulties before. He only told me the other day because I noticed her scent was changing when I dropped Julia off for work.”

“I won’t say a word” I said, raising my hand in the air with a smile.

“I swear, for a time there, when we were trying to find the leak in the pack, I was kinda crapping my pants thinking it damn well could’ve been me!” he laughed.

“Say, how’s your bruise?” he asked, looking at my leg.

Ethan had mind-linked me, to ask where I was now and sounding a little disappointed that I wasn’t in bed with him. I’d been distracted momentarily and hadn’t moved fast enough to dodge Carrick’s attack.

“I think I’ll live. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure Ethan doesn’t maim you” though I knew my mate wouldn’t be happy I had sustained an injury.

He laughed, albeit a little nervously. He and Ethan were almost like brothers, I doubt he’d actually be in any trouble.

Carrick walked me back to the pack house where I speedily ran up the stairs, eager to see my mate and hoping he looked well rested instead of about to fall off his feet. But as I entered his study where his scent was strongest, I wasn’t quite prepared for the delicious sight in front of me.