Chapter 40 - Trouble : Boston Bolts Hockey

Track 13


Aiden has created a chat.

Brooks, War, Gavin, Beckett.

Aiden: Lex and I are having drinks at the Port. Who’s around?

Brooks: Lennox mentioned it to Sar. We’re in. Should we make a reservation?

Gavin: Mills and I are out. We’re taking Vivi to see Santa with Beckett and co.

Me: thanks for the invite, guys, but I’m in Bristol.

Aiden: Say hi to Mel for us!

Aiden: That was from Lex, but I second it.

Brooks: And Declan!

Gavin: Clearly, that was Sara.

Brooks: Hey, Brooks is nice. He’d say that.

Gavin: Hi, Sara.

Me: Sara, I’ll tell them you said hi.

Aiden: War, you in?

War: Sorry, can’t. Have fun.

Aiden: What are you doing?

Ten minutes later:

Aiden: War, why haven’t you responded? The text says read…

Aiden: Hello?

Brooks: Not everyone is attached to their phone.

Aiden: It says read!This is property © of nôvëLSvēR$è--com.

Beckett has left the chat.

With a laugh, I shake my head and navigate out of the thread to pull up a new one so I can shoot our right winger a text separately.

Me: Everything okay?

War: Went from a single guy with no family to responsible for three kids. How do you think I’m doing?

My chest tightens. The rest of the guys don’t know yet, but War’s life has gone through an enormous change over the last few months, and it all took a dramatic turn two weeks ago. It’s not my story to tell, but he could use a friend. As much as I don’t want to leave Dec’s, I may need to head back to Boston to see if I can help him.

So many of our friends and colleagues have settled down recently, leaving only a handful of single guys who still go out after games. Daniel and Camden, the young fucks, scour the bar for their nightly conquests pretty quickly, then disappear. War seems to have lost interest in the meaningless hookups, and I have too, choosing instead to be War’s sounding board. Guy needs it, and to be honest, it’s felt good to be needed.

The more we talked, the more I realized that maybe I could see myself settling down with someone.

Me: want me to head your way? Happy to hang with you and the kids or watch them for a bit so you can get out.

War: Nah. I’m good.

Me: promise?