The bedroom door stood closed before Julia, She knocked tentatively, only to be met with Walter's gruff voice from within.
""Leave me alone."
The rebuff startled Julia, but she did not give up. "Walt, it's me, Julia. Can I come in?"
Her voice was a soft whisper in the tense silence.
Inside, Walter broodingly sat on the couch with a cigarette dangling from his lips. He was the picture of brooding, his eyes fixed on the window where he had last seen Evangeline's retreating figure. No answer came.
With a deep breath, Julia smoothed her skirt and pushed the door open.
Chaos greeted her. The bedroom was in disarray, Evangeline's clothes strewn about as if in the wake of a storm. Walter lounged on the couch by the window, his profile a mask of icy detachment.
He was the epitome of allure, his very presence a siren call of raw magnetism that kept others at bay-a trait she found utterly captivating.
However, as she stepped forward, Walter's gaze snapped to her. His voice was a low rumble, quiet yet the frown creasing his forehead was a clear sign of his annoyance. "I won't repeat myself. Leave!" Julia froze.
It made no sense. Walter despised that vixen Evangeline, did he not? Why did her leaving throw him into such a stormy mood, enough to lash out at her?
Her eyes did not deceive her. There, beside Walter, lay the skirt Evangeline had worn. Draped over the couch, grazing his pants-intimacy she had longed for but never reached.
It was as if she had never fit in, no matter how hard she tried.
However, she knew Walter too well-his temper, his coldness. Anyone who crossed his bottom line might never get another chance to approach him.
She would not irritate him. Evangeline and Walter were on the brink of divorce, after all.
What good did it do Evangeline to play the Gordon family's lady for three years? Walter never laid a finger on her.
Julia's time would come. She would be the queen of that domain soon enough.
Bitter thoughts swirled in her head, but when she spoke, her tone was soft and slightly aggrieved, with tears welling up in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Walt. I'll leave you be. However, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you, always."
With no reply from him, Julia clenched her jaw and walked away, her heart heavy with reluctance.
Walter's face was a mask of tension, his whole demeanor screamed 'back off. The pain had ebbed away, leaving only the icy glint in his eyes. Chapter 15
He could not believe Evangeline had hit him.
The cigarette burned down to the filter, but the dull ache lingered, along with her skirt discarded on the
Her defiant exit replayed in his head, the memory of her stripping down before him.
He could not even pinpoint where it hurt the most.
His mood soured further when Caden's call came in. "You sound like you're in a bad mood. Catch your in the act, did you?"
"I'm fine, hanging up now."
"Wait, wait, wait! How about a drink to drown your sorrows? Let me help you out, man."
""Where at?" "Our spot."
Meanwhile, Evangeline, after storming out of the Gordons', did not take her motorcyle since she had luggage. Driving was a good call, especially since she was practically wearing nothing underneath. She shuddered at the thought of walking like that. Remembering how he demanded she strip, she wanted to claw his eyes out.
She used to undress for him willingly, countless times, all to entice him to have his child. However, he never cared to look.
In a twist of fate, he had used it to shame her mere minutes ago. Even thinking about the pain on Walter's face did not satisfy her.
She wished her kick had crippled him, so he could not chase after other women.nóvè_LsvE/rSê/cóm (C) content.
She did not want it, but she also could not let Julia have it for free, could she?
Walter was her past obsession. It was time to move on.
She was about to inform her old bodyguard of her return when her best friend, Roslyn Shaw, rang her up.
Back when Evangeline spent her days in the countryside with her grandfather, she bumped into Roslyn, a city girl looking for a taste of farm life. They clicked instantly, their kindred spirits weaving a friendship strong enough to share every secret. Years rolled by. Evangeline tied the knot, and Roslyn's voice soared to stardom, her songs playing in every home. Despite their different paths, their bond never wavered, not even once.