I woke up with butterflies in my stomach with the anticipation that I was about to see Matt again. I dressed myself as well as I could in work attire, but definitely I was the most painstaking. Today was the last day of our stay here. We were planning to close the deal and if everything goes well, return to New York. I peeked at my phone, no messages from Matt.
I left my room and found Mr. Anton Alonzo standing there in a stunning suit. He was early today. I could tell he was also painstaking about his looks. A navy suit, Italian cut, emphasizing his large shoulders and muscular waist, making him look like a cut out of magazines. A crisp white shirt in it with a matching navy tie. His hair combed back slickly dark as his eyes.
I recognized that I was holding my breath. I released it slightly confused. Why have I been affected this much? Maybe my libido was still high from yesterday and he was looking so much like Matt, except the color set of course.
We gave small greetings to each other and he proceeded to the elevator. I followed him. No coffee session this morning? Strange. We went down in silence. There was something odd about him today. He was silent as always, but not like his usual grumpy silence. Like deep in thought silence.
We finally sat at the table again with Sanders Group after a two day break.
Daryl Sanders, the CEO of the Sanders Group, was sitting at the opposite side of the table with his lawyers and assistants. We were together also with our two lawyers. But where was Matt? I thought he would be here also. I hoped. Daryl started talking about the two companies' history of friendship and alliance. He gave some pleasantries, paid a quick glance to me and started the meeting.Material © novëL_svê/r_$è-cøm.
It was a painful three long hours before they finally wrapped up the offer and agreed on terms. The entire time in my employment for him, I saw Mr. Alonzo loosened his tie for the first time.
And finally the acceptance of the contract has been declared. Both parties signed their parts and hands shook to show the binding of the contract.
We all were on foot now, ready to leave. Lawyers started to leave first. Mr. Alonzo put his hand to the small of my back, I slightly stiffen with the touch of his hand. He guided me to the door to leave the meeting room as well. "Ms. Wonderland?"
Mr. Alonzo stopped behind me, his hand still on my back, we turned together to see the source of the call.
Mr. Sanders was standing behind Mr. Alonzo,
"Can I have a word with you?" he asked. "Alone," he added.
"What do you have to discuss with my assistant that I shouldn't know about?" Mr. Alonzo asked angrily.
"She is an independent human being, you know Antonio?" he said.
"She is working for me and it is her business hour. So, no. She is not an independent human being. Not during working hours." he said. He gently pushed me from the point his hand still rests on. A few inches above my ass. I turned to leave as he silently commanded me right now, but a hand snatched my hand and made me turn on my spot.
Mr. Sanderson swiftly dig his head to my ear, his silver blond hair tickled my neck, and whispered,
"If you ever get bored from these two dickheads, call me." He forced something in my palm just in time, before Mr. Alonzo shoved him from his shoulder and made him stagger behind.
"Don't be a creep Daryl!" he said. Mr. Sanders smiled with a crazy glint in his pale blue eyes. Like the Cheshire cat. He raised his palms as if surrendered. And Mr. Alonzo shoved me out of the room without a second look.
I uncurled my fingers, and peeked secretly to see what he squeezed there without letting Mr. Anton knows. It was a business card. His business card.
We went back to our suite after the meeting. It was already lunch time. But I had no intention of spending a meal with him so I decided to stay in the suite and have my lunch there. Meanwhile he could go out for lunch, I presume he would go to some fancy a la carte or something. When he stood up in the middle of the lounge, I was expecting him to turn to his room, instead;
"Would you like to see around?"
"Excuse me?" I caught off guard again.
"Around, like out of the hotel. I guess it's your first time visiting here?"
"Yes, but the shift is not over."
"Well, we wrapped up the contract pretty well. And I don't have too much from the office, so... If you want..." He scratched the back of his neck, like he was having a hard time to find words. It was also a first. I have never seen him struggling before.
"Well, I would. If it isn't too much trouble for you?"
"Not at all..." he kept staring at me. I was still standing next to the round table in the lounge.
"Well, you change then. I can meet you here in 15 minutes, yes?"
"Yes." I said. And I jumped on my feet to charge into my room, nearly running. I was excited. Excited to see outside of the hotel and Hawaii for the first time in my life. I hastily pulled a long skirted summer dress with spaghetti straps. It was a light green viscose fabric, with small flowers on it. It was revealing all my shoulders and the planes of my chest. I let down my hair in brown waves falling down from my shoulders. And grab a small straw bag matching with my straw sandals. I was ready in maybe less than 15 minutes. Was someone too eager? My hand went to my cell phone. I haven't heard from Matt since last night. Should I text him and ask if he is alright? No, it could show me desperate. He should call me, I said to myself. Then walk out of my room. Mr Alonzo was standing there. Not in a suit. He has changed as well. He was wearing beige linen pants and a white cotton shirt loosely dropping on his pants. His sleeves were folded upright showing his strong forearms. His hair was damp. I nearly forgot that he was showering twice a day. His hair was slightly messier now, not slickly combed back. Damn, he was handsome. If he were a little less scary, then he would be a sight to admire. He turned to me right after I completed my survey of his appearance. His eyes glinted, as he started surveying me now. His eyes darted from my head to my toe. He drank every detail in seconds. A slight grin curved at one side of his mouth. "Ready?" he asked.
"Ready." I said.
He extended his hand and I took it. Without a second thought. Like it was so natural, so right to hold his hand and let him guide me. Now we were hand in hand, leaving the suite. He didn't let my hand go in the elevator either. I nervously peeked around, anywhere but him. I was super aware of the touch of his hand on my hand. Then he laced his fingers with mine. My breath catches in my lungs, but I couldn't find the will to unlace my fingers from him. I craved even for more. We left the elevator, then the vast lounge of the hotel, still hand in hand. His guards fell behind us, followed until we were outside of the hotel. A big black SUV was parked here. He left my hand and went to the car before me. And I instantly missed the touch. His guard went to the door of the car to open it for him, he pushed him aside, reached to the back door of the SUV and opened it for me. I jumped in the car without a second thought. He turned around and got in the car, next to me. His hand sneaked out to my side, found my hand and laced his fingers again. Like he has the same longing for this touch. I turned my head from our interlaced fingers, and looked out of the window. It was like, if I look at our hands and acknowledge this moment, it would vanish.
There, at the back of the SUV, hand in hand with Anton Alonzo, we drove down to the town. I didn't think Matt. And I was somehow happy...