"Tve been so worried about you," Jacob wraps his arins around me. I step back search for something out of place.
Tm okay, I reassure him.
"That big a** 1ycan guy didn't hurt you, did he?"
and look up at him as his eyes desperately
"And you would do what if he had? Silas asks from behind me. I glance back at him growling a warning.
"Go wait outside. Sigh." I glare at him. He tenses up, but then probably remembers Im just a s***id line me. He bows begrudgingly and leaves this very nice house,
scoffs at
"You can't be doing that to Lycans, Perry. Are you out of your mind?" Jacob scolds with all the worry pent up on his face.
"1-uh, I look around and pull him into the very contemporary-style living room. "This place is ridiculous,"
"That's what I said he sighs trying to get his head together and sits with me.
"You should see where he's keeping me. It's twelve stories of this can't be real,"
"I believe that. Who is this guy anyway?"
"His name is Jonas Zachary Prince,"
"You're kidding," he grins. "The son of the Lycan King?"
"He's the Lycan King now or fighting to be anyway"
"Oh, shit. And what does he want with you?"
"Umm, don't freak out. I already agreed to it and I don't think I ran back out anymore. There wasn't a lot of room for a no FYL
"Fuck Perry," he growls. "What?"
"His brother killed his mate while she was pregnant and has been trying to sabotage his reign by killing all his potential mates so there is no heir." "Don't tell me you agreed to be said, potential mate. These things are killers. Actual killers, Perry,"
“I know. What else am I supposed to do, Jake? He bought me from the packlands. I didn't know that was still allowed. There isn't a lot I can do. I don't have anyone other than you and because you're not my actual father, there isn't anything you can do either,"
“We can figure something out," he sits back to think it over. “We can take this up with the Alpha King."
"We could," I nod. "But I don't want to,"
"What do you mean, Perry?"
"Tpean I don't want to go to the Alpha King. I mean I don't want to do anything about the situation,"
"Perry," he takes my hand. "I know shit hasn't been good since Darren was killed. We've both been stumbling around, but this isn't the end we deserve. You deserve to be happy again, Sweetness. You're the most compassionate kid I've ever met. I know.
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I raised two f***g pirees of shit. You were mated to one.”
Then you know I'm going to do this because I want to. I mean it's not the best situation to be caught in, but that man needs help These people need help. If I can do one last good deed, why wouldn't it be this one?"
His eyes search mine and he sighs. He pulls me in for a hug.
"Perry, I know there's not a lot I can do to change your mind once it's made up. You don't owe anyone anything. If this is what you want right now, then okay. Let's do it. What is the offer on the table?"
"You are seriously the greatest person in the entire world. I mean that," I smile at him. He pats my head rolling his eyes.
"Come on. Tell me what he needs,"
"He needs a Queen. Someone who can play the role anyway."
and you'd have to mark him. And
"For you to become the Queen there has to be a mating ceremony. He'd have to mark you ar the mating will be completed after because his mark will trigger your heat,"
"I didn't know that last part, but yeah. I knew the rest of it,"
"Perry," he sighs. "That is-"
I know." I nod feeling my chest tighten.
ret in return?"
"What do you get in
"If this works, I get to be the Lycan Queen, I laugh. He presses his lips together.
"And if it doesn't?
"Then I die the Lycan Queen, I shrug "I get to go home,"
"That doesn't sound great, Perry," he sighs. "You have been the most difficult child I've ever had,"Content © nö.velsvēr$/ê-com 2024.
Tve been the only one that's gotten this far," I whisper.
"True" he nods.
“If anything should happen to me, I'm not leaving you empty handed. And who knows, old man. You might find a Lycan babe of your own. They're gorgeous and big,"
"I've noticed that," he laughs. "You don't need to take care of me
"No, but I want to. You're my dad. As much as the one who brought me into the world. I know I don't make things easy, Jake. It makes me feel better knowing that you'll be okay," I take his hand.
"Thank you," he pats my hand
"Lady Perry. The King requests your audience," Silas interrupts us. Jacob tenses up and stares back at me.
"So, royalty? That's a new one for both of us, Kid,"
“Because Lycans aren't?"
"Not to me," he shakes his head.
"We'll talk about that later. Yes?"
"Yeah. You have a lot of history to learn. A lot is going to be expected of you,"
"Don't I know it." I groan and stand TI see you when I can,"
"Be careful. Watch the way you speak to everyone. These people don't give a f***
"Aye, aye, captain." I salute him. Tll make sure the ship stays allost,"
"A sinking ship is a sinking ship, Sweetness. Ask all the bones lying at the bottom of the ocean," he shakes his head.
1 laugh and follow behind Silas, The walk back to the castle is quiet. Being in the countryside is a little scary because it' quiet. The city sounds are nowhere to be heard. The sun is setting and while there's still light out, the darkness is thicker than I've ever seen before.
"You okay!" Silas asks when we get to the steps.
"It's just kind of quiet here, I say as he escorts me to the lift. It's a small platforms for maybe six people. The lever makes a cool clicking sound when he turns it to the right.
"Your assignment starts here, Perry. There are people in the courtyard. He's waiting," he says softly.
1 take a deep breath, shake my hands out, and nod.
"Do I look okay?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ear.
Yes, for someone who has been running around all day."
The lift stops at the top and he pushes the gate open and waits for me to step out. The Lycan King is in fact waiting for me. He's on his phone again, but when he glances up. He smiles. The kind of smile that I've had to plaster on my face a few times myself. It doesn't reach his eyes, but several others are watching.
I smile for him and feeling a little princess-y from everything I did today, I skip over to him and stop just a few inches from him. It catches him by surprise when I laugh at his expression.
"Learn to behave yet?" he reaches out to place his hand on my waist.
"No, but I'm tired and hungry. So, if I have to behave to go back up to my room, shower, and sleep for the rest of my life. I will.
We stare at each other for a moment before his smile turns genuine and he laughs. It doesn't go unnoticed by the others. It even made those who weren't looking turn to face us.
"You are going to be a pain in my a***, aren't you?"
"Maybe read the fine print before buying a manic depressed she wolf with a death wish," I shrug.
“I'll remember that for next time, little wolf," he growls digging his fingers into my side. I jump forward laughing. My chest hits his. His arm comes around me to steady me. "You're ticklish
"Insanely ticklish. Don't that, I laugh looking up at him in horror. He takes a step back and laughs. His entire body shakes.
I'm sorry. That was-" he takes a breath to stop himself from laughing. I can feel my face getting hot with embarrassment "I'm sorry. Your expression was great,"
"I'm glad I amuse you, I roll my eyes.
“Come, Perry. I want you to meet some people,” he grins and takes my hand. I glance back at Silas who gives me a thumbs up. Chapter 7
Yes, I agree with this gargantuan man, I am a little wolf compared to all these very big Lycans. The courtyard doesn't look the way it did when we left the castle at noon. The yard is illuminated by old-timey street lamps. The kind that you find in a cute little town where one family owns everything and everyone is forced to love them because without said family they wouldn't be there. There is food serup along the aisles and everyone is dressed in what I believe is their finest clothes, but might just be their casual wear for Wednesday. At least, I think it's Wednesday.