Chapter 4 - Your Dad's Perfect (Ruby)

The week has passed by quickly; I get lost in studying. I've signed up for dancing lessons, though. Two nights a week, I will do pole dancing, and another two nights a week, I will practice lap dances. I have to admit I had fun with Bex and Ivy that night once I let go of my fears. Pulling on the boots, I stand, and Bex walks in, her eyes widening.

"Why are you wearing hooker heels?" I laugh at her words. "I'm serious. Are you going out?"

"I'm doing pole dancing lessons. It's the first one tonight. I figured I would wear heels and learn while wearing them."

"I'm coming!" she runs out of the room. I laugh, walk to her room, and watch her get ready. "I always wanted to learn, so I'm coming. Why pole dancing?" She turns and looks at me as she fastens her shoes. "I have a slot in a few weeks dancing in a club." Her hands stop, and she looks at me. "Yes, I'm being serious." I laugh and watch her fasten her shoe.

"You're going to dance in a club?"

"Yes, I visited this week. It looked amazing. The women looked happy. It's a thrill, so yes, I am going to be dancing half-naked on a pole."

"I think I need to make a list for myself! It sounds like you're having all the fun," she says, laughing, and we leave together.

Getting to the building, we go in, and to be fair, it's harder than it looked. Still, I slowly get the hang of it and begin to enjoy myself. While I am, Bex is falling over and laughing. I honestly think she might be drunk. Walking over, I pick her up off the floor. "Sorry, but I can't do it. My body is like... no way...keep our feet on the ground." She laughs, and I nod. "You were doing well, though." Her grin widens, and we begin to leave. "Thanks; by any chance, do you know Boudoir Bunny?"

She stops mid-step and turns to me. "Yes, why are you asking?"

"Because I plan to visit tomorrow night."

Her mouth falls open. "Do you know what it is?" She looks at me now.

"I do. I read up on it, checked it out online, and spoke to someone else who goes there. I'm not planning to do anything there; I just want to go and see what it's like."

"To see what it's like? It's a bondage club, like a full-on sex club. With private rooms and shit." She laughs, and I nod. "Which, you know, and you're still going?"

"I'm not going in the rooms. I will be staying in the communal areas."

"Can I join you?"

I laugh slightly. "You were just looking at me like I'm crazy, Bex."

"Yeah, but I still want to go. I've always wanted to, but I'm not about to walk into a sex club all on my own." I laugh and nod.

"Then come with me. Do you have a suitable outfit?" She can't go in her usual clothes.

"Not for that place, so let's go shopping." We leave together, and I go to the shop. This is twice now I've been in a sex shop. I look through the different outfits, a lot are leather, PVC or rubber. Grabbing the mask, I smile.

"You're going to be a kitty?" Bex looks at me.

"Yes!" I hold up the outfit, which is actually more like lingerie. She laughs and holds up her outfit. She has a bunny mask. "I have the perfect pair of shoes as well to go with it."

Paying, we leave and go home. Standing in the room, I begin to go through everything. I can't find my shoes!

"Bex! Ivy!" I watch them walk in. "Please say you have seen my black shoes, the ones with a metal heel." I need those; they will go with the outfit.

"You had them on when you last visited Jake's dad." Ivy smiles at me.


"Just wear something else." Ivy smiles at me.

"No! I had the outfit planned in my mind. I need those shoes."

"Then ask Jake to get them."

Sighing, I reach for my phone.

I need the stuff I left at your dad's from when I stayed, please, like now, if possible.

I hit send on the message and sat on the bed. I began to look through my phone. The dating app is relatively hilarious; some of the chat-up lines have me laughing.

My phone vibrates, and I see Jake's name. Hitting the message, it shows up.

It's your shit. Get it yourself, or just leave it there for when I next go down with whoever I'm dating. I'm sure they will appreciate it.

Screaming, I throw the things off my bed, and Bex walks in with Ivy.Owned by növē.l_$


"I've to get it myself or leave it there for his next woman to use." Their eyes widen.

"I would say leave it, buy new, but that's fucked up. Go get it." Bex smiles at me.

"That means leaving early. The club is two hours away, so I need to go in the morning, get there, get my stuff, drive back, get ready, and then leave again." Maybe I should just wear different shoes. "Then don't wear those shoes." Bex shrugs, but I had it planned in my mind and I hate now following through.

"No, I'm getting my stuff on the off chance he takes a woman there before I do, and she wears it." They nod and leave. Lying down, I fall asleep.