Lola POV
I check the wind and it seems to be blowing in another direction than right at him, so I should be okay for now. I don't recognize the wolf and I recognize all of our warriors and ranked wolves.
The fur on this wolf is a bit sticky here and there, it doesn't look well groomed, so I am assuming this is a rogue. My first ever rogue encounter and it has to be when I am in a badly beaten state, probably unable to defend myself. F*ck. "Try to keep calm and collected Lola" I whisper to myself whilst watching the rogue sniffing around thoroughly on the ground where I had laid a few minutes ago.
My mind is already working overtime thinking what would have happened if I had still laid there unconscious, when I see a second wolf approaching the first. Watching with high expectations at how this is going to unfold and fully expecting them to fight.
To my surprise, the wolves seem to know each other and no fight breaks out. Which is weird, because as far as I know, rogues mostly operate solo unless they are mates. That could be the case though, as it is too far for me to see them properly. I decide I don't want to stick around and find out, so I slowly back my way up through the forest.
Once out of sight for the rogues, I start to pick up my pace the best I can and stumble my way back to my cabin. Once inside, I check my once again vibrating phone to some more messages "what happened??
We are worried sick! Please let us know what happened" "Lola?" "are you really okay now, or just saying it so as not to worry us?" "Lola please you are scaring us!" and one final message from Jason saying "that's it I'm on my way over!".
I quickly reply "no don't! I am fine I promise. Our training session may need a rain check though, I'm sorry!" and put down my phone to head into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I am completely shocked and appalled by how badly he has beaten me this time...
This is the worst I have ever looked, I can barely recognize my own face! I feel tears pricking at the back of my eyes at the sight of my own face. What have I ever done to them to deserve this? How can they be this cruel and leave me for dead in the woods?
If I had woken up just a few minutes later, I would have been dead. Not that any of those *ssholes would care, but I would have to leave Nadia and Jason heartbroken and the thought of that sends a tear to spill over. I am so badly beaten I don't even know how I should clean this properly - do I use a washcloth, do I shower, do I use alcohol? I don't know!
Deciding on the way I am most familiar with, I close the bathroom door and get undressed. I adjust the temperature of the shower and step in. As soon as the water hits my face I hiss out in pain. F*ck that stings.
Trying to cheer myself up I tell myself nobody ever got stronger from being a little baby about these things, and so there is a good reason for me to " man up" and get used to the pain. And so I do. It's still very much stinging, but I need to man up for myself and get stronger as ever.
Who knows, maybe if I could single out Ashton the day before I leave this place I could kick his a*s when I catch him off guard.
He is a Beta and thus the strongest in this pack beside the Alpha, but if I am able to catch him off guard it may be enough to tip the scale my way. I would have to strike hard and fast though. Oh what a beautiful day it would be if I could!
After shampooing my hair and washing my entire body I turn the water off and grab myself a towel. Looking at my reflection in the mirror now with all the blood gone, I can see I have a split and very swollen lip, a swollen eye and another swelling near my temple along with all the bruises that are appearing all across my face. Sighing to myself I comb my hair before putting the towel around my body and stepping out of the shower.
"What the f*ck happened to you?!?!?!" Jason yells, startling me almost to death." Good lord Jason, you scared the sh*t out of me! Ever heard of knocking or at least letting me know you are here?! What if I stepped out naked??".I see a smirk on his face before he composes himself. He looks at me with worry and anger again."
Don't try to turn this around. You weren't answering and I felt something was off! Now, are you going to tell me what the hell happened?". There is no point in hiding from Jason what happened now. They know how they have been treating me all these years and he knows there is nothing any of us can do to stop it, as the future Beta and Alpha are behind it.
I bite on my lip in hesitation before remembering that f*cking hurts and quickly pulling my lip out of my teeth. "I was walking to school when I was shoved to the ground.
I fell face first and I guess I hit some rocks. At first I wasn't sure who or what shoved me, but as I tried to get up I was shoved again and then I found out it was Ashton. And well, as you can see, he didn't stop there..."
Jason's eyes tell me all I need to know - he is beyond furious. He closes the distance between us and cups my cheek with his hand. He gently turns my head sideways to have a look at all the cuts and bruises around without saying a word. "Jason it's fine really. I will be out of here after this year anyway" "no it's not okay Lola!
How can they do this to you?! They are supposed to protect this pack!" "and as for the leaving part, what if you find your mate and he is tied to this place?" he looks at me with sad eyes and I know full well he is referring to himself. "You know I can't stay here Jason, I don't have a life here.
Chris and Ashton not only do not protect me, they actually could have killed me. In fact, if I had woken up a few minutes later than I did, I would have been dead already" I mumble the last part.Têxt © nóvēl/S_vèrsē-.cóm.