Lola POV
Today is the day I am going to get some real warrior training and time to spar with Jason. I am excited, but also nervous. Not really because he will notice I am not a weakling - I know he will keep my secret - but because I have seen them train and sometimes the contact will get quite physical and up close.
It would be different if it were to be an enemy or at least someone you dislike, as I wouldn't mind hurting them then, and it wouldn't be weird in combat to be that close. But this is my best friend Jason.
Not to mention the fact that I have never been physically close to a guy other than a short hug or a birthday kiss on the cheek. Maybe this was a bad idea and I may still be able to get out from under it when I see him in class. Speaking of class - I am running late! It's a 25 minute walk to school which Nadia, Jason and I almost always walk together unless they have other obligations sometimes.
Walking up to our usual meeting point, I don't spot Nadia or Jason today, so I'm guessing they have either left already as I was late, or they had something else to attend to. So I put in my airpods and start heading to school.
I put on my favorite tunes and get lost in my music. Suddenly, I feel a hard push from behind, making me stumble to the ground face first, hard!
The moment my face hits the ground on some pebbles and gravel, I feel a shot of pain throughout my face and I just know already that it won't be pretty. I remove my airpods and slowly force my way up. I can feel some blood coming down my face but I'm not sure where exactly it is coming from.
Still trying to catch my breath and steading myself to get up, I get knocked down again. Luckily, this time my hands were still on the ground to prevent my face from getting hurt again. "What the actual f*ck?!"
I scream out, not even knowing who was shoving me down. I turn around on my back, leaning on my elbows to face Ashton in front of me. He must be the one to have pushed me.
Behind them is their entire posse, Melissa smiling like a mad man at the sight in front of her and clinging to Chris' side. "what the f*ck Ashton?!?!" "woops sorry, you looked like you needed a push in the right direction". I hear Chris chuckle and my anger is rising rapidly."Belongs © to nôvéLsvér$ê.cóm.
What the f*ck have I ever done to you besides existing?" "watch your mouth b*tch, don't ever forget your place in this pack, which is below our feet on the gravel where you are now.
You need to be taught a lesson on how to control that mouth of yours. You should be thanking me on your knees that this is all the punishment I'm giving you". What the f*ck is their problem with me? I have never done anything wrong to any of them. "Punishment for what exactly? Please enlighten me". As I feel a fist connecting to my face, slamming the back of my head hard against the ground, I hear him say "I don't need to tell you anything you wh*re! One more word out of you and it'll be your last". I look up slightly to see Chris smirking, enjoying seeing me bloody and beaten on the ground. Not to mention all the rest who are downright laughing and urging Ashton on to punch me further, which he takes them up on and lands a few more blows right on my temple, causing me to feel light-headed and faint.
Oh goddess, how I wish I were stronger and could beat these *ssholes..... I knew what he was trying to achieve and as I see my vision start to go black, I know he has succeeded and I start to slip into unconsciousness.
I wake up very slowly from a continuous vibrating sensation in my pocket, which must be my phone, but I have no energy left in me at the moment to grab for it. Still feeling dizzy, faint and most of all pain across my face, I try to prop myself up on my elbows. The bright sunlight really isn't helping with the splitting headache I am feeling. How ironic though, I thought this year might be better. They have never beaten me up this badly. It makes me wonder why they are kicking it up a notch now. Taking a few minutes to adjust myself to a sitting position, I notice the sun is up high in the air - how long have I been lying here unconscious? I could have literally died if a rogue came across me now, unconscious and the easiest prey ever to kill. I check my watch and see it is 11:30 AM already, which means I have been lying here for more than 3 hours now! I need to get up and start making my way home before either a rogue finds me or the *ssholes come back to go for another round.
I slowly work my way back up to my feet and start to stumble back towards my home. My phone rings again and this time I take the time to actually look at it. I have tons of messages from Nadia and Jason asking where I am and if I'm okay, along with some calls. To avoid them coming to search for me in recess, I decide to reply "I'm okay guys, sorry, I wasn't feeling well for a while. But am okay now".
Which is technically not a lie! I am a very very poor liar and Nadia and Jason know it. If they press me further - which I am sure they will - I will most likely just not reply to their questions so I won't have to lie.
They'll see my face tomorrow anyway and I will most likely spill the beans then, but for now I don't want them to worry and just focus on school. It's not like they can do anything against the Alpha heir anyway.
I wonder if I should tell the Alpha about this though, but then again, I'm sure the next time they get their hands on me - and they will - they will make me disappear for good without a trace.
It would be better to keep my mouth shut and await my time to flee. Having my wolf in only a few more weeks from now would at least also help my healing process if they smash me up again. I already feel bad for the wolf that gets to be stuck with the likes of me, sigh.
Just when I have gotten a bit of distance between where I was beaten up and where I am walking home to, I hear some growling in the distance behind me.
Finding the nearest tree to hide behind, I see a wolf coming out of the forest and walking to the spot where I had just laid and soiled the ground with my blood. Oh gosh, I hope this wolf can't smell my bloody body over here!