Chapter 6 - Fated is overrated

Jason POV

Finally, tomorrow I have a date with Lola! Well, OK, not technically a date, but I get some proper one on one time with her. I have had a crush on her ever since I can remember. I have always kept it to myself and I don't think Lola even realizes how much I really like her. Nadia on the other hand knows!

We didn't even have to discuss it, it must be a twin thing, but she has always been teasing me about it. I know she would really like us to end up together as well and I, for one, am super excited about our birthdays to see if we are mated or not, I am really really hoping we are. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on in my entire life.

Nadia and I keep telling her that but it keeps falling on deaf ears. She believes the ideal picture of beauty would be black hair, slim built and brown eyes, but honestly that's how almost every she wolf looks.

Lola is the complete opposite and though she doesn't like to stand out and tries to hide her features, she will always stand out as she really is breathtaking and doesn't even realize it.

It might also have to do with Chris' posse bullying her and all other people in school for that matter. All the women are very clearly envious of her looks, so they try to bully her into believing she is ugly for standing out.

And all the guys are frustrated that she has zero interest in any of them whatsoever, so they try to bring her self-esteem down in hopes that she will come to them for a confidence boost.

Their futile attempts always make me chuckle. It goes to show they really don't know her at all. Their pathetic bullying to break her self-esteem only creates a bigger gap for them as she genuinely and deeply hates all the guys at school. I won't tell any of them of course, let them blow their chances further.

As for me, I know she at least loves me as a friend. I can only hope that she hasn't completely friend zoned me and ruled me out. I have seen her around our training grounds checking out our training though.

Of course I am hoping she is there to watch me. I always make sure to walk around shirtless where I can to show off my muscular body. Out of all the warriors I am -besides my dad- the most muscular one here.Têxt © novë.lSveR$e-COM.

Of course, when the ranked members step onto the training ground that goes to no avail, but I know she hates them all and wouldn't be looking at them anyway. I've seen her there plenty of times and that's how it suddenly dawned on me that this might be the way to get her alone for a bit.

We have some small one on one moments in school or walking back home and such, but never for that long and never really in an intimate setting or anything. Not that training is very romantic, but at least I get to get closer to her and touch her body. It will be a good start.

Just thinking about wrapping my arms around her and pressing my body against hers, whispering my instructions in her ear.. It has my c*ck twitching in my pants already.

It's weird because I have been with a few women in my past (I mean I'm still a guy - I have my needs) but none of them ever got me as hard as just thinking about Lola, not even when they were standing in front of me fully naked.

Her full breasts bounce up and down when she runs, almost bouncing out of her tops because her clothes are generally way too small in the chest area despite the fact that she tries to hide her curves. Her nice round a*s which would fit perfectly into my lap.Many sentences in this chapter have been removed because you are not reading them on Job(nib.)c om And my god that one time she had on a white shirt and it started to rain outside during our gym class... The only downside to that was that all the other guys in class could see too, and I swear Lola didn't even notice them all ogling her with pure [**t in their eyes as she just kept focusing on class.

You could almost see them all drool. But I have to say that picture is burned into my memory and whenever I was with any woman my mind would always wander to that picture.

Lola soaking wet in her white shirt, her full lips I would love to devour, those perfect breasts with hardened nipples which I would die for to be able to run my tongue along.

Hmmmmmm. Just as always when thinking about that picture, thinking about her, my c*ck is so hard it almost hurts and I have to relieve myself. I head to the shower to undress myself quickly and hop in.

I start stroking my c*ck with her memory still engraved into my mind and as always, I don't last more than a minute before I spill everything out.

I sure hope if I would ever get the chance to be with her I'd last a bit longer than this. I would definitely have to have relieved myself beforehand a few times in order not to embarrass myself. Who knows, maybe tomorrow will be a step closer in winning her over..