I thanked William, and quietly closed the door. When I was sure he was clear, I turned the lock. I didn't want any nocturnal visits from my husband. I went to my dresser to pull out my pajamas. I was looking forward to a hot bath to soak my legs, and a good sleep. I had just entered into the bathroom, when I felt a pain in my gut. I gasped and grabbed my middle. After a moment it passed, and I thought it must have been just some random cramp. I turned on the water for my bath and continued with my night time ritual. I was just stripping out of my clothes when it hit me again, sharper, this time in my chest as well as my gut. I sat down on the toilet and gasped for breath. What was happening to me? Was I having a heart attack? Food poisoning?? Again the pain eased off. I wiped the sweat off my face with a towel, and slid into the bathtub. I tried not to think about the pain. Surely it was something random, probably just from the stress of the last few days. I had just relaxed back into the tub when it started again. I couldn't keep myself silent as I cried out and wrapped my hands around my middle. I've never felt such pain. I felt like I was being gutted from my navel all the way up to my heart, and it just kept coming, harder and sharper. I really thought I would die from it. I crawled back out of the bathtub, but I could not stand upright. I had an idea to get my phone and call for help. I should have been able to mind-link, but the pain overwhelmed me and I couldn't focus. I had Daisy's number saved, but the phone was on my bedside table. I crawled miserably toward my bedroom, and that's when I heard it.
The noise was coming from across the hall. The groaning. The banging of a head board. The moans. The jubilant exclamations. "Oh yes! Oh Alpha!"
It hit me with a waive of nausea, even as blood started to drip out of my nose. My husband, my mate... was fucking someone else in his bedroom across the hall. By the sounds of things, the woman was enjoying it a lot more than I had. I grasped my phone, but there was no use in calling anyone now. I knew the sickness that I had could not be helped by any doctor. There is no cure for the pain of an unfaithful mate. I knew it. And he knew it. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. I curled up on the floor, but there was no way to get any relief. He had only taken a few minutes to finish with me last night, but it seemed like he was going to go on forever tonight, just to torture me. I heard his lover scream in climax, just as the pain became so unbearable that I lost consciousness.
That is how I woke up. Naked on my bedroom floor, smeared with my own blood. The stabbing pain was over and gone, but the ache of betrayal remained. It didn't matter that he didn't like me and I didn't like him... there was a thing that bonded us together that was beyond our control. My poor wolf was crying, whimpering, traumatized.
Bad mate. Our mate is bad.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.
I pulled myself up and stumbled back into the bathroom. I drained the cold water out of the bathtub and twisted on the shower. I had no energy, but I had to wash away the blood. It had caked into my hair, so I needed to shampoo my hair as well. I felt the claws of depression biting into me, and I just didn't have the strength to fight it off. I didn't have any tears left as I washed myself, dressed, and stumbled back to the bed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was so pale my veins were showing. There were deep bruises under my eyes... I looked as low and as hopeless as I felt. I crawled into the bed and pulled my butterfly and sunflower blanket around me like a cocoon. I had only been married a day, and already I wished the earth would open up and swallow me.
I had locked the bedroom door, but it turns out Nolan had a key. I heard the key slide into the lock, and the doorknob turned. I was laying facing the door, so I saw Nolan, and his new Beta standing behind him. He smiled coldly at me, and said, "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" And then he laughed. The bastard laughed at me. Behind him, beta Shane was staring at me with an expression of pity and something else. It was terrible that my shame and my pain were being put on display. I couldn't stand his expression of pity, so I rolled over and faced the other wall. I heard the door shut quietly, while Nolan was still laughing his way down the hallway.