Chapter 11 - Revolting

I wanted to die. I've had some pretty sad times in my life, but I don't think there was ever a day I really wanted to end my life. But with Nolan's sadistic laughter still echoing in my head, I thought about it. I was considering the possibility that continuing to live under these circumstances would be far more painful than dying by my own hand. I was sure that no one would miss me. Nolan would probably be ecstatic to be rid of me. Some mates, like my father, were broken and devastated by the loss of their other half. Some went insane, and some simply gave up and died. But I was quite sure that the bond between Nolan and I was so weak and insignificant that he would do no more than dance on my grave before he found someone else to screw. Just the fact that Nolan would be pleased by my death made me stubbornly cling to life. I wouldn't give him the pleasure or satisfaction. If he wanted me dead, he would have to kill me himself.

I heard a light knock at the door, but I ignored it. I didn't want to see anyone, not even Daisy at the moment. I hoped if I ignored it, they would go away. But I was not that lucky. I heard the door ease open and shut quietly. The bed sank under the weight of someone who sat beside me on the bed. It was not Daisy, I knew by the scent. It was William.

"Hey baby girl." he said softly, gently. He pushed the hair back from my face. "I heard what happened." "Who told you?" I grumbled. "Shane."Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

I could only whimper in my humiliation. Who else was Shane going to tell? Was the whole pack going to know that my husband had chosen to bed another woman while he had cast me off into the guest room? "Mates, huh?" Of course now everyone would know. Nolan's infidelity wouldn't have effected me if we hadn't shared a mate-bond.

William sighed and gathered me up in his arms. "That really sucks, Nina."

It was so stereotypical that the nice, sweet, kind brother would be gay. But I was hurting so bad at that moment, I was ready to take comfort from anyone who offered. I curled up into his chest and cried again. I didn't think I had any tears left, but there was something about William rubbing my back and saying kind things, and cuddling me that just turned on the waterworks again. I sniffled into his wet shirt. "Sorry," I mumbled, and pulled away.

He used the hem of his shirt to dry my face. "Stay strong Luna," he said, staring me right in the eyes. "One day he will realize what is right in front of his nose."