Rain pov. The longer I look at what is left of my little human in the glass the more I realize that I'm in danger. I have no idea what they did to me while I was asleep but whatever was keeping me asleep is staring to wear off so I listen as close as I can for any commotion. There's none in this hallway but I also know I can't just walk out of here. With one last look at the deformed corpse that's left of Morgan I start looking for a way out, even if my heart feels like it's going to implode on itself. It takes me a while to get through the room, finding a storage space at the very back. I'm not surprised to see shelves stoked with all kinds of medical equipment. With a room filled with creatures like this they need to be doing some type of experimentation here. As quickly as I can I slip into one of the big suits, complete with glasses and everything before daring to step out of the room. A green-eyed woman glides past me on boots that make no sound, but she doesn't give me a second glance so I figure this might be a normal occurrence and turn in the opposite direction I came in, almost bumping into someone
"Doctor, have you seen our intruder?" It takes me a few seconds to realize the person is talking to me, but I quickly shake my head, and they nod, shuffling past me to go look for me. It takes me several tries to find a door that remotely looks like it's headed outside and when I do it leads me onto a balcony that looks over the entire Bio-Glaze. It takes me a few moments to figure out we must be in one of the buildings at the edge of the Glaze. Those buildings you see but no one can get close to and whatever is inside this building must be the reason they want my little human to approve the expansion.
"You're a crafty little thing." I grow tense at the deep voice behind me. Slowly turning around, I notice it's one of the green-eyed creatures that ambushed me with my little human. "Name's Ragna. Nice to formally meet you, Rain." He leans against the wall next to the door, wings with hard lines and jagged edges splaying out like they're merely a painting behind him.
"How do you know my name?" I ask, knowing I can't pretend I'm not me, not with this creature. His eyes aren't glowing with the same brightness they did when he attacked us, but that could just be a false sense of calm.
"Everyone here knows your name. You're the reason Cane doesn't want to approve the expansion. They say she's gone soft and it's all your fault. We live like caged animals because we don't have our own space to be free." He pushes up from the wall and walks closer to me, causing me to back up further onto the balcony.
"What are you?" I haven't ever seen creatures like these. They're a breed of their own and Ragna standing in front of me means those creatures I saw in that room was only the beginning.
"I'm what happens when humans think they can have a normal la-di-da life and not have any consequences. I'm what you called a genetically modified hybrid." My confusion skyrockets.
"If you're a hybrid then you'd have to be..." Ragna nods, walking pass me to lean against the balcony, his wings casting a shadow over me as he stretches them.
"A child of two species coming together. Born of parents who were forced by the government you all love so much to give us up because we were going to be unsafe. Raised in this hell of a place and undergoing changes that were meant to make us stronger, more powerful." He laughs but there's no humor in it.
"You mean to tell me; cross breeding is actually possible?" Ragna looks over his shoulder and gives me a bored look.
"Are all beast men this stupid or are you a special kind of brand?" I frown, my lack of education is a sore spot for me. "Rain, our genetic make-up might differ a little but the last time I checked we all had the exact same number of chromosomes. So, I'm going to ask you a question. Do you know how babies are made?" I glare at the back of his head wishing I could throw him over this balcony, but he has wings so that's really not an option.
"I know how babies are born, I'm not an idiot." I mutter and he laughs, this time I can detect some humor in the dry sound.
"So then why the hell wouldn't this be possible? Just because humans have decided to live in peace doesn't mean they're ready for what that peace means so instead of trying to let it play out and possibly be their downfall, they're going to get ahead of it. Create the likes of me." He pushes himself away from the railing and turns around to face me.
"To achieve what?" My little human's mutilated body flashes in front of my eyes and I realize they're still trying to turn people into whatever Ragna is, but it doesn't make sense. Morgan isn't a hybrid. So, are they now trying to turn humans into whatever they've turned the hybrids into? My stomach twists violently at the thought but I manage to keep myself from another dry-heaving spell.
"Total domination? Being the superior species? I don't know. Take your pick." Silence falls over as I digest everything, he's just told me.
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, realizing he's just told me what I know no one else in the world knows.ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .
"Because Rain, if you survive this, you're going to have to tell Morgan so she can find the right answers she needs." I shake my head, wanting to tell him that Morgan is inside, that's she's dead and it's all my fault but I don't get to form the words, not with his body barreling into mine faster than I can blink, knocking the breath from my lungs. I feel us flying through the air and then I'm falling, eyes wide as I stare into Ragna's green eyes and the satisfied smirk on his face. Pain blooms through me when I finally hit the ground and as I go under I hope it's for the last time so I can join my little human wherever she ended up.