Morgan pov. "You need to sleep." I don't know how many times Luca has told me those very words, but it must have been enough times for it to have lost its insistence. It's more of a tiring ritual at this point because we both know I'm not going to listen. A glass of whatever Luca has been feeding me to help me stay alert appears on my desk and I finish half of it in one go. "You're not going to find him like this." The Fairie tells me, fluttering up to the ceiling to stretch his wings some. "It's better than sitting here and doing nothing." I mutter as I install yet another hidden alert in the portal bounds before setting a tracer in Sinclair's work and personal e-mails. I pull up the footage from all the camera's I can find close to utopia I can find, scanning through them just in case I catch a glace of the humanoids flying through the air with Rain. "Do you have anything yet?" I put him in charge of keeping an eye on a portal scanner algorithm I set up for the night it happened. Knowing if I could find the portal, they disappeared through I can find Rain.Content © copyrighted by nóvël$vèRSé-.cøm.
"There's nothing." He tells me and I frown and run the program again, adding foreign entities to the scan. "How are you doing on those files?" I shrug my shoulders, flipping through some more footage. "Morgan, I know you want to find him, but maybe try decoding those files? It might lead you to him sooner than you think." I nod, even though I keep staring at the video playing in front of me. I hear the Fairie sigh, but he doesn't say anything, and I know he won't. I was a mess when he found me three days ago, well, more of a mess than I am now but it's not going to get any better until I find Rain. I can't function without him.
"Morgan Cane, what the hell?" Luca asks as he appears through a portal in my office. I give him a brief glance before typing in code to counteract the code already running. "Morgan?" His voice is softer this time, like he's speaking to a child, but I don't look up at him. I have to find the answer in here somewhere. Something to get Rain back. Big warm hands come to rest on mine, stopping me from typing further and I look up and into Luca's orbs swirling with worry. "They took him." I finally admit, my body feeling like someone set it on fire with the agony I'm going through being apart from Rain. "They took Rain and they're going to kill him." The Farries eyes widen. "Who took him?" I shrug my shoulders, even though I know, and I know Luca knows.
"He told me not to make stupid moves. I don't know what the right ones are though." My eyes move over to the files that are still left untouched. Files that I've forgotten about and some I haven't.
"Morgan, listen to me, I'm going to heal you and then we're going to talk about this properly over some nice hot food." I balk at the idea of leaving my search for Rain halfway through and River hasn't been answering my calls, so I have no idea what to do about this.
"No, no. I have to find him." I pry my hands out of the Fairies grip and my fingers go back to click-clacking over the keyboard until I'm suddenly lifted in the air and carried away from my desk, away from the only chance I have at finding Rain before they kill him. Tears stream down my face as I push against Luca. "No, you don't understand. He'll die if I don't find him. They're going to kill him." I insist, the tears running faster and are now joined by sobs wracking through my body. "You're not going to find anyone when you're in this much pain. Now, let me help you, Morgan." He insists as he places me down on my bed. I nod, even though a break is the last thing I need, I can also admit that he's right. "Okay, lie down on your back." I do as I'm told, trying hard to ignore the tears that are still running from my eyes, down the sides of my face and into my hair.
I feel a warmth spreading through me as Luca's healing comes into working but something about it seems off, like I'm not completely whole and I cry fresh tears again. Luca shushes me and I feel my eyelids start to get heavy. Before I can stop them, they close and I mutter Rain's name, hoping Luca will go looking for him...
He'd forced me to eat when I woke up and didn't care that I went back to decoding the Commanders secret files before giving up and doubling my search for Rain. Planting codes everywhere I can think so I can get closer to seeing that curly haired wolf again. I heave a sigh, crack my neck and my fingers before staring again. Just as I run another code Bing's loud voice fills the office.
"Rain's location has been detected. Rain's location has been detected." I silence the alert as I look up at Luca who's already staring at me. I pull up his location on my watch and set a portal for it, Luca rushing through after me. We end up on the outskirts of the Bio-Glaze, the forest dense around us and the government buildings the only ones this far off in the wild.
I look around until I spot a figure lying in doctor's scrubs a few feet away. Luca grabs my arm as I rush towards it, giving me a warning glare as he goes forward and removes the mask covering its face. I rush forward when his grey curls appear, not even caring that Luca disappears as fast as he reappears as I sink down on my knees next to a pale faced Rain, tears streaming down my face.
"He's cracked his spine, and it's started healing but wrong." Luca says as he pushes his foot down on Rain's chest and presses down hard. A scream tears through Rain's chest and my breath gets sucked out of my lungs at the sheer force of the panic I have because of it. "He'll be fine." The Fairie mutters, lifting Rain slightly and sliding a neck-brace on him. "We need to get him somewhere safe. Not your place." He says and I nod, opening the portal to Teranian as Luca uses his magic to lift Rian and we step through it.
I don't bother knocking as I enter the house; I know Rain spent all of his childhood in but surprisingly isn't empty. There's no one to haul us out or throw insults but the look of things there hasn't been anyone here for a while. I lead Luca into the bedroom, and he deposits Rain on the bed, causing the wolf to groan in discomfort and pain.
"Is he going to be alright?" I ask the Faire, and he shrugs his shoulders.
"I did all I can for him. Healing other supernatural beings isn't the same as healing a human being. It's up to him to decide if he wants to live or not." We lapse into silence, and I can't shake the dread that fills my body every second we wait for Rain to do something.