Savage POV.
I look at the profile picture on my messaging app. It hasn't changed in three years. I sigh as I open her contact and see all the messages I have sent her over the last three years, and each has gone unread. I'm so fucking stupid. FLASHBACK!
It's been four weeks since I ended my relationship with Angel and claimed Foxy as my woman. Everything has been great. Angel has not contacted me, but I do find myself looking at her profile picture.
"What's wrong baby?" a hand rubs my bare arm as I close the app and look at the woman beside me. Foxy with her red hair and brown eyes. She is beautiful. She is the mother of our unborn child.
"Nothing babe, go back to sleep." I kiss her head and she snuggles back down, but I can't sleep. Something isn't right. My gut is telling me I should check up on Angel. I shake that thought away. Why should I? The bitch was cheating on me. She doesn't deserve my concern.
With that, I fall asleep only to be woken by my door being banged on.
"Prez, we need to go. The Moretti's have called an emergency meeting." Blaze, my VP, says and I groan and sit up. I quickly get dressed. The Moretti's this could be bad. But then again, Angel wouldn't have told them anything, not unless she wants me to show her momma and daddy that she is a whore. I smirk as I leave my bedroom and walk through the clubhouse.
"What's happened? Why are they calling this meeting?" I ask as a coffee is placed in front of me.
"We don't know. I have tried to find out. All I'm being told is that it is urgent. We need to leave now," he says, well you don't need to tell me twice. No-one keeps the Moretti's waiting. When they call, we move. My father Hatchet and Antonio had worked together for years. That's how I met Angel.
They would come here or we would go to them. Even though she is four years younger than I am. We did used to have fun. Then, when Angel turned eighteen, the attraction grew between us and I took her virginity. We were in a secret relationship up until those photos were delivered to me four weeks ago.
I said some pretty awful things to her when she walked in on me fucking Foxy; she needed to see that what I did were the consequences of her actions. Like the naïve little girl she is, she denied, and we argued. She slapped me, but I didn't care and I don't care. She got what she deserved.
I mount my bike alongside with Blaze and Ripper. He is my Sergeant At Arms. We head out of the compound and onto the road. We ride for a few hours before we arrive at the Moretti compound.
We pull up and climb down. Entering the mansion, the atmosphere is sombre. The other heads are here. I shake hands with them and they are all not sure why we have been summoned. But we don't wait long.
Don Antonio Moretti enters the room and we all nod our heads in respect to him. He looks like he has aged drastically, but then there is Teagan. She looks like she hasn't slept and has cried. What the fuck has happened?All content is property © nóvëLSvêR$e_-COM.
"Thank you for coming at short notice. We appreciate it. Please sit," Antonio speaks as he takes his seat and pulls a distraught Teagan onto his lap.
"We have called you all here, because our daughter, our Angel is missing." My eyes widen and murmurs break out around the table. I look at Blaze and he glares at me. This won't have anything to do with me. I'm sure she is just doing this for attention. "How long has she been missing?" I ask and all eyes turn to me.
"A week. She hasn't been herself for a while. The day she left, she told us she was going to the gym, she never came back. She drove her Mercedes to the bank and emptied all her accounts and closed them down. She then sold the car. We have no idea where she is. Her phone has either been discarded or she has turned it off. You all know our daughter. She is not a pampered, self entitled princess. She is not a spoilt brat. So for her to do this means she is in some kind of trouble." I gulp, not liking this one bit.
"There is one more thing. We believe we know the reason why she thought she needed to run away." He looks at everyone, but his eyes land on me. I feel the blood freeze in my veins. Oh shit, he knows.
"She is also pregnant. We received something in the mail yesterday and I will say this. What we received had been fabricated. My team has already established this."
"What did you receive?" One of the Don's asked.
"Pictures of our daughter sleeping with different men. Whoever sent them is an amateur. Simon and Rosena established very quickly there were photo shopped. So it would seem the reason why our daughter ran is that she was being threatened with these images. Angel is a kind, gentle soul. We have teams already looking for her in every corner of the world." My heart is beating erratically. The pictures are fake? What the fuck is going on?
"Do you know who the father is? Maybe she went to him?" I look at Blaze and he is fuming the same as I am. My fists clench under the table when Teagan looks at me and her gaze sends shivers down my spine and the sense of dread settles in my gut.
"We have an idea. The thing is, Angel would have tried to do the right thing. She would have gone to him to tell him. In my old line of work, I can tell you this: he has probably rejected her and her child. So she ran, not wanting to be a burden or to bring shame. Don't forget ladies and gentlemen, my daughter is a DeNucci. We are famed for our skills in disappearing." Teagan says, looking at me, and I gulp, shrinking into the chair.
That's why she came. She came to tell me she was pregnant and like a fucking idiot I am. I believed the photos and Foxy. I was drunk, but that is no fucking excuse. My Angel, my goddess, is out there somewhere, no doubt scared, alone and pregnant with my child. The rest of the meeting went by in a blur. I can see her tear-streaked face, the way her hand protected her belly. The way she was scared of me. The look of heartbreak on her beautiful face. She ran and is carrying my child. END OF FLASHBACK.
"Savage, the next town we will be meeting up with Solomon. We need to move." Blaze says to me. When my phone rings and I groan as I see the person calling me.
Foxy, I don't answer the call. I never fucking do. I dumped her three months after I claimed her. I took it back when I found her being fucked by two men from a different charter. I dragged her to the hospital to perform an ultrasound and surprise surprise the bitch wasn't fucking pregnant. She denied she was the one who sent the pictures. But I'm not stupid. I know it was her.
"Ok, let's move out." I say as I leave the motel and we ride out. The search for Angel ended six months ago. Antonio and Teagan said Angel will return when she was good and ready and if she is found, she is not to be forced. Like fuck will that happen? If I find her, she and my kid are coming with me.
We ride to the town and pull up at the bar we are meeting Solomon. Solomon is the prez of the sister MC. We work closely together so this meet is nothing new but we have never met at this town before.
We enter the bar called Eclipse. It's nice. It has that small town vibe going and I like it. The man behind the bar looks like he will pass out with the amount of us that has just walked in. I chuckle as he heads out to no doubt get someone to help him.
I mean, we are rowdy bikers, but we don't start bar brawls; we are here to relax and to see Solomon, nothing more.
I hear a gasp and the rooms seem to quieten down. I turn and the image in front of me has me doing a double take.
Her long blonde hair is in a high ponytail, her honey eyes are wide. Her chest is raising and falling rapidly. She is a vision. She is more beautiful than she was three years ago. "Angel."