They have found me; they have found me. Shit, fuck, twat! I look at him and I'm having a mini panic attack. All I can see is him and her. The words he spewed at me with such hatred and the smirk on her face. Why is he here? He reaches for me and I react instantly; I grip his wrist and turn him, shoving his arm up his back. He groans and the men are now on their feet. I look at Blaze, his VP, and he is telling everyone to remain calm. "You have the wrong person. Now get out." I shove him forward as the fight-or-flight takes over. I need to get out of here. I need to leave. I need to grab Rebel and Boomer and go. But where?
"Angel, that's not going to happen. We have been looking for you. Your family has been looking for you. We have found you and there is no running from us," Savage says to me as I step back, my eyes not leaving his. "My name isn't Angel. I don't even know who you are. Now I won't ask again. Get the fuck out of my bar or we will have a problem." My voice is like steel as I stare the fucker down. I won't back down now. I have to protect my daughter.
I catch movement from the corner of my eye and hold my hand up, and the movement stops. Just then, the door opens and more bikers enter. The momentary distraction causes me to act. I run for it. I run like my ass is on fire because it is. My hands are shaking as I run out of the side exit and towards my car. I drop the keys as I pick them up. I unlock the car when I'm grabbed and shoved into the side of my car. I scream when a large hand covers my mouth. The tears leave my eyes as I look into the icy blue orbs locked on me. "Angel, please. I mean you no harm. Let me explain, please." Like hell I will. I bite down on his hand. He yells and moves away. I don't think I bring my knee up hard, hitting him in his crown jewels the air leave him and he falls.
I open the car door and fumble with the keys and peel out of the parking lot. Tears blur my vision. I wipe them furiously away and ditch the car a few streets away and run to the house.
It won't be long before he finds me again. I stop running and chuckle to myself. There is no use in running. He has found me and no doubt they will ask around town and will have my address soon. What can I do? ok think Angel. You can't just pack up and leave in the middle of the night. You can't uproot Rebel like that.
No, I will face the demons of my past head on. If he comes for me, which I know he will do. I will be ready for him. I'm a goddamn Moretti and we don't fucking run from our enemies and right now Savage and his MC are the enemy.
I turn back around and head back to the car, which is parked haphazardly, and I climb back inside. Pulling my phone from my pocket and fire off a quick text to Max, telling him to close up for the night and to not give any information about me to anyone.
He responds quickly, telling me they have gone and said they will be back to speak to you. I roll my eyes and sigh before I drive the car towards my house. I drum my fingers nervously against the steering wheel as I pull up outside my house.
The people of this town don't know who I really am. It is safer that they don't know. Even if the Moretti's don't have enemies. No one is brave or stupid enough to try anything. So I know either way I am safe, even if the Princes of Darkness have found me. They can't touch me, not without retaliation from my family.
I leave the car and walk up the stone path to the front door. I open it and head inside. Rebel is awake and having a drink of milk on Mrs Lawson's lap. They both look at me and I smile at them.
"You're home early, everything ok?" I move forward and kiss my daughter on her head as she holds her foot drinking her bottle of milk. I kiss Mrs Lawson as well.nôvélsvérsE-com holds © this.
"Yeah, it wasn't too busy, so I told Max to close it down and head home." I only tell her part of the truth.
"You look like you have had a fright. What happened Angie?" I sigh as I stand and head to the kitchen and grab a bottle of bud and sit down on the sofa. One won't hurt. I think I deserve it after what just happened.
"I need to tell you the truth about me. My name isn't Angie, it's Angel. Angel Moretti. My parents are Don Antonio Moretti and Teagan Moretti." I say as I watch her and she nods her head slightly.
"I know dear. The whole town knows who you are. We aren't simpletons. A few years ago, your family sent men here looking for you. We all told them we had no clue who you were. We knew you were running from something, so we choose to protect you. So tell me Angel, what happened tonight?" I look at her, shocked. Hold on, back up. The whole town knows who I am? I chuckle in disbelief at this.
"Wow, well thank you." she waves me off as Rebel waves her now empty bottle in the air like a flag. I chuckle at her as Mrs Lawson sets her down, and she toddles to me and I pick her up and cuddle her to my chest and I know she will be asleep in a matter of moments. "Her father found me tonight. Completely by coincidence. Her father is the president of the Princes of Darkness MC. His name is ..."
"Ryder." My eyes widen as I look at her and I gulp, nodding my head.
"How do you..."
"Hatchet is my brother. I moved out here, not long after Ryder was born. I left the MC life behind. My brother and I never stayed in touch after that. I will keep you both safe. I may no longer be part of that life, but that life remains in me. If he comes calling which he will do. You have to be ready. She is his child. The world of the MC is similar to your world. He has every right to claim her and when he does, you both will have to go with him. I'm sorry Angel." She says to me. I look down at my sleeping little girl and sigh, knowing I can't run from this. Same as I can't involve my family. He doesn't know about her, so that is a good start.
Or at least I think he doesn't. What have I got myself into?