Zack was speechless for a few moments, not knowing what to say to her. There was something clean and lovely in her eyes, which made his heart pound in his chest. They spent the rest of the day together and returned home just as the sun was about to set, because the family was waiting for them for dinner. Andrea was still nervous. Zack’s parents were very nice, but she couldn’t say the same about his sisters, and neither Noémi nor Chara missed an opportunity to make her feel like an intruder. Chiara, especially, had been eyeing her suspiciously from the moment they had arrived. But despite his sisters’ obvious displeasure, Zack was determined to make the dinner a success… And dinner was a disaster! Chiara kept asking Andrea about how they had met, why they hadn’t gone to meet the family before, if she had met any other girlfriends of Zack’s. Andrea was content to make her feel uncomfortable and avoid her questions, until Chiara made the mistake of asking her about her daughter. – Healthy and happy, there she is – Andrea hissed in response. – And beautiful like her uncles and father! – Milo exclaimed, lifting the baby in his arms to play with her. – It’s not true – Chiara said coldly, staring at Adriana – She doesn’t look like Zack at all. Don’t you find it strange, little brother? That your daughter doesn’t look like you? Andrea felt as if she had fallen into the bottom of a well, but before she could open her mouth, it was he who answered. – Well, look, no, little sister, because as far as I could see, my girlfriend has a vagina, not a photocopier – he hissed and the twins spat out the wine from the printout. Thanks for reading on – Zack…! – Noémi exclaimed. – Stop bothering the man! – Loan snapped at them – Haven’t you realized that you don’t look like mom and dad either? -Loan! – her father exclaimed and Chiara shrugged, getting up without saying a word. Dinner had been ruined. -Is this going to be like this until we leave? – Andrea asked that night while Zack rocked the baby in the armchair. -I don’t know, but they are heavier than usual. Remember. Read this novel only at, not on other sites. And although he didn’t know why his sisters behaved like that, the truth was that they wouldn’t stop, because Mr. Nikola, who lately hadn’t been enthusiastic about anything in life, had been talking about Zack’s baby for months and had ordered a million-dollar trust to be created for his grandson or granddaughter. Anyone might think it was his money, he could distribute it however he wanted, but the reality was that the twins were afraid that it wouldn’t stop there. The night was long, restless and exhausting for Zack and Andrea, they had barely been able to sleep even though they didn’t know why. The next day they got up early to buy Christmas presents. They went to the stores,They were looking for the perfect gifts for the family and suddenly Andrea arrived with something big, heavy and metallic in her hands. “Tell me I can buy this for the twins!” she asked with a pout and Zack raised an evil eyebrow. “Only if you let me give it to them activated!” he replied. “Oh, killer instinct, I like it!” she smiled. “Make that two!” They passed the objects to each other, examining them carefully and deciding who in the family they would be for. While Andrea was busy, Zack was looking for something for her. He had never seen her wear jewelry, but one in particular in that store reminded him of the first days he had met her. He had it secretly wrapped and took it without her noticing. He was happy because he planned to give it to her for the Christmas party her parents were having. The house seemed to be quiet, but they had barely crossed the doors of the mansion when Mr. Nikola came out to meet them and looked at Zack and Andrea with a gesture of visible disapproval. Her voice was icy as she said, “I think there’s something I need to discuss with you two. I’ve seen the flight logs and it seems my granddaughter doesn’t have the family name.” The room stood still as Zack took that blow. He had already anticipated the question, but not the satisfaction on his sisters’ faces, who were watching him from the living room, as if they had been impatiently waiting for that confrontation. “Let me guess. The flight log suddenly fell in front of your lap,” Zack growled, looking at his sisters. A second later, his mother shook her head impatiently and addressed them. “What the hell did you do?” Luana hissed, closing the door and facing her daughters, who made a dismissive gesture, downplaying the matter. “We didn’t do anything, Mom, we were just going to use the plane for Christmas and among the reports they happened to give us the flight logs…” Noémi muttered. “That they were so kind to put in the hands of their father,” Luana growled quietly. -He has the right to know… -Your father has the right to be happy! And the one you’re already getting fed up with is me, both of us! -she snapped, losing her patience-. Since you were born, you’ve been the light of my eyes, but I’m not going to let you ruin this Christmas for us, because if your father gets sick because of you, I guarantee that I myself will ruin the rest of your lives as only a very barbaric mother can do! And she wasn’t wrong in thinking that, indeed, Mr. Nikola wasn’t having a good time with those fights. -It doesn’t matter how I found out, what matters is that I know- she answered Zack briskly. My granddaughter doesn’t have my last name and I want to know why. Zack tried to explain the situation and apologize for not having the baby named after him. He appealed to Canadian citizenship, to insurance, to the saint and to God, but his father didn’t seem to understand reasons. -It was my choice- Andrea said with a firm and clear voice and they both stared at me. I’m sorry, Mr. Nikola, but that was my decision.I don’t have any other family, Adriana is all I have… -Andrea… -I’m sorry, Zack, but you know it’s true -she replied with determination-. My daughter is the only thing I have in the world, and regardless of how well things are going between Zack and me, having legal control over my daughter makes me feel… safe. When Zack settles permanently in Canada and obtains his residency and everything else he needs, then we can talk about changing his last name, but in the meantime, I’d rather not drown myself in bureaucratic procedures for every single thing my daughter needs. I hope you can understand that. Mr. Nikola stared at her intently for a second and then nodded.-It’s okay, daughter. I understand you. Relationships are usually complicated, even more so when there are children involved. I would just like my little girl to be a proper Keller. I know it’s my pride talking… but what can we do about my grandfather’s pride? -He smiled at her and Andrea smiled back. -I understand- she murmured, taking his hand-. I promise that as soon as we return to Canada, Zack and I will take care of it. Okay? -I’ll take your word for it- Mr. Nikola warned her-. In the meantime, for me she’s already Adriana Keller. Andrea took a deep breath, relieved that they had dealt with the matter quite well, but she had barely gone to the terrace to look for the baby, who was with her uncles, when her father turned to him. -Promise me that you will solve this, Zack. She’s your daughter! She can’t go through the world as a child without a father! -He snapped at him-. I know you adore her and you fall for her, you love her so much, boy, but that’s not enough. – What are you telling me? – Zack asked. – You know that very well – his father pointed out. He can’t continue like this, with his mother and daughter stuck in such an uncertain legal situation. Andrea deserves better, and the girl has the right to have her parents’ last names and love. Family is sacred, boy, and it must be honored with acts. If you really have feelings for Andrea enough to say that she is your girlfriend, then propose to her already. I’m sure she will say yes. Zack was petrified for a moment. Marriage!? That was not in the plans! – Dad, I told you that we will take care of the baby’s last name … Zack’s father gave him a stern look and then snapped. – See? That’s why your daughter doesn’t have your last name! Can’t you even propose to her? Do you think Andrea doesn’t sense that insecurity in you? You have to do this right, Zack, because parents can’t make mistakes without consequences. The best thing you can do for your daughter is to love her mother with all your heart, so do it. Propose to Andrea! —Mr. Nikola advised him—. If you propose to her, you’ll show everyone that you love your daughter and she’ll be a Keller forever. Plus, she’ll be able to get her Canadian residency much sooner than expected and stop worrying about it. Only then can I rest easy knowing that my granddaughter is being properly cared for. Zack wanted the earth to swallow him up, but he ended up nodding and patting his father’s shoulder. —Okay, Dad. I’ll think of a romantic way to do it and before we leave for Canada I’ll ask her to be my wife. He went out to look for Andrea with his heart racing, thinking about how he was going to tell her that the theater would possibly include a grand engagement party, but as soon as he arrived with her and Adriana, he relaxed. She could count on Andrea, she knew in her heart, if there was going to be an engagement party, then they would have an engagement party.He just had to take his time to talk it over calmly with Andrea and see how they would work it out. He would tell her that night. However, his father didn’t seem to want to give him time, not much or little, because they had barely gone downstairs for dinner when Nikola took him aside and handed him that little box. “There’s a romantic dinner prepared in the garden gazebo, and this is the ring that three generations of Keller women wore,” his father told him. “I want to see this ring on Andrea’s finger before the night is over, Zack. Go get it!”Content © nôveLS-ver$e_cóm.