Chapter 19 - 472 Ba

Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Andrea and Zack looked at each other for a second and he shrugged. “It’s okay, I sleep on the floor.” The closet was full of blankets, but having Adriana sleeping in that princess crib and her in an empress bed, and Zack sleeping on a blanket on the floor, seemed like the ugliest thing in the world. “Look, let’s not exaggerate, we can sleep in the bed,” she said maturely. “We’re big enough now and neither of us bite.” “Speak for yourself,” Zack replied and she pushed his shoulder. “Very funny!” After all the activity she had had that day, Adriana fell asleep immediately, and by the time Andrea came out of the bathroom in her cloud pajamas, Zack was already lying on the right side of the bed. Admittedly, it wasn’t a small bed, but for a man of Zack’s size, it looked like a toy. There was enough room for the two of them, but not much more. Andrea got into bed and lay down on her back, staring at the ceiling. She tried to relax, but it seemed like every muscle in her body was tensing at the thought of him so close. “Do you want to make a pillow barrier?” Zack asked her. Thanks for reading on “Do I look like I’m five years old to you?” she murmured. “Well, well, I was saying that because I move a lot, if I crush you, you’ll just scream, I’ll try not to grab too much bed,” he smiled at her, turning sideways towards her, and Andrea nodded. “I’ll try not to grab too much blanket,” she replied. The silence lasted, neither of them wanting to break the spell that had been created between them, but eventually tiredness ended up overcoming them. Andrea fell asleep first, and Zack’s soft snores plus a feeling of cold woke her up later. She opened her eyes and when she tried to reach for the blanket, she realized that he was at the edge of the bed. “You’re falling, you’re falling…!” -she exclaimed trying to pull his arm, but Zack’s huge body fell to the ground dragging her with him. Remember. Read this novel only at, not on other sites. -Ouch! Zack woke up from the two blows, the one from the ground under his back and the one from Andrea on top of him, although the latter was particularly nice. -My god! Did you hurt yourself? -exclaimed Andrea leaning on his chest to get up, but he grabbed her hips, keeping her immobile. -Wait wait wait…! It hurts… -What thing? -The tailbone that you fractured! -he hissed. -Hey, you fell by yourself! Besides, the tailbone fracture is lower down, Thorcito -she grumbled, wiggling-, I should have fallen on top of you… They both opened their eyes when they realized where and what Andrea was rubbing herself against. -Oh my god! -she exclaimed, stepping aside and rolling her forehead straight into the leg of the display case. Ouch! Zack laughed as he watched her hold her forehead. -That’s a lot to mention God without an orgasm in between- Zack said and she kicked him. -That’s it, you laugh!The cripples of Christmas are going to be you and me – Andrea laughed. – It’s just that the bed is small! – he protested getting up and lifting her onto the bed. She sighed because if they really tried to let the air flow between them, then they were going to end up on the floor several times a night. – Someone has to spoon the other one, there’s no way around it – Zack sentenced with his hands on his waist. – Well, I’ll spoon you, and you turn the other way so you snore at the wall and not in my ear – Andrea sighed and he put on an offended face. – Hey, I don’t snore, that’s an alpha male roar to scare away bad dreams, bogeymen, ghosts and monsters. Understood? – he grumbled, settling down and smiled when he felt Andrea’s warm body pressed against his back. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep and the night passed quickly. In what seemed like minutes, the morning light was streaming through the window. Andrea stirred and began to wake up, rubbing her eyes. She felt something heavy on her leg, and when she turned her head she saw Zack. He was half on top of her, with an arm around her waist and his face nestled in her neck. Andrea’s heart jumped in her chest, startled and a little surprised to feel so safe in his embrace. But then she felt something else, something she hadn’t expected. “Thorcito…” she called, embarrassment staining her cheeks. “What happened, Cupcake?” he asked, dazed from sleep. “Do you think you can point the hammer somewhere else?” For a minute Zack didn’t react, his brain dulled from sleep, but when he began to open his eyes he realized what was pressing against one of her hips. “Fuck!” He quickly pulled away from her, apologizing profusely and hiding that erection against the bed. Andrea couldn’t help but smile, feeling a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment, because the experience had been as unexpected as it was exciting. However, he suddenly raised his head. “When are we going to stop behaving like two teenagers?” he said, looking at her, and she shrugged as she stood up. “I didn’t say anything to you, morning erections are perfectly normal,” Andrea murmured, downplaying it, “and it’s not that big of a deal.” Zack jumped up as if on a spring, and she ran to lock herself in the bathroom. “It’s not that big of a deal? It’s not that big of a deal! Second time, Andrea! You’re going to make me feel inferior, I swear you’re going to make me feel inferior!” he exclaimed, listening to her laugh on the other side of the door. As soon as they were presentable, they went down to breakfast, and the grandparents claimed undisputed ownership over the baby. “Hey, what do you think if I really take you skiing today and all that?” Zack asked Andrea with complicity as he served her coffee. -Do you really want to see me roll down the mountain? – she snapped. -No, but if we stay away from the house, we’re less likely to get hassled and asked questions. What do you say? – Zack asked. -Well, that’s fine by me,But are we going to be away from Adriana all day? – Face it, my father is not going to lend her to you – Zack smiled and Andrea saw how happy the baby was with Mr. Nikola and Mrs. Luana. – Okay, then let’s go. They had breakfast with the family and of course when Zack asked his parents if they could take care of the baby, they both happily accepted. – And by the way! What will be our prize for the gingerbread house? – Zack asked his father and he clapped his hands twice. – Very well! After much deliberation, your mother and I have decided to give them… their honeymoon! – exclaimed his father excitedly and Andrea and Zack were petrified, with their smiles screwed on. Why don’t I see them happy? – Yes we are! – Andrea exclaimed immediately. Yes, of course we are, it was just something… – Unexpected! Right, Cupcake? – Zack helped her. – Exactly, very unexpected! But it’s a nice gesture on your part, Mr. Keller. Nikola frowned and looked at his son and Andrea while rocking the baby. “You’re thinking of getting married, right?” he asked and suddenly his eyes fell on Zack. “I mean, I understand that by living together you consider yourselves husband and wife, but I hope you’re thinking of formalizing things, especially for the sake of my granddaughter, right, Zack?” “Of course, dad…!” he answered uneasily. “Yes, of course…” But that answer didn’t seem to convince his father at all. “Well, enjoy the day, go, go!” exclaimed Luana.Zack took Andrea’s hand and they hurried out of the house after saying goodbye to the baby with hundreds of hugs and kisses. They remained silent all the way to the ski slopes, but when they reached the top in the cable car, he could tell that Andrea was nervous. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to let you roll down the mountain,” he said, but she shook her head. “It’s not that, Zack. I think your dad is suspicious, and I’ll die of embarrassment if he finds out we’re lying to him!” she exclaimed, her eyes watering. “You have a very nice family. I’m going to fall face down if your father finds out, Zack.” “Hey, hey! That’s not going to happen,” he said, stroking her arms up and down to calm her down. “He’s not going to find out because we’re a very convincing couple, right? We get along, there’s no reason for him to suspect.” She gave him a look full of anxiety. “Swear to me that you’re not going to let him find out, Zack!” -she exclaimed, shaking him by the lapel of his jacket. -I swear, Cupcake, I’m going to do whatever I have to do so that she doesn’t discover us! -he assured her-. Now we’re going to have a little fun. Saying that Andrea would be good at skiing was a blatant lie. On the first trip she spent more time face down in the snow or on Zack than standing, but he didn’t mind that. On the second trip she literally bounced on his butt and on the third it was Zack who got distracted and made her fall. He dragged her near a tree to get her away from the other skiers and dropped next to her. -I’m sorry -he muttered while he cleared the snow from her face-. It’s just that I saw the harpies, I mean the spies, and I lost my balance. Andrea opened her eyes wide. -Are your sisters here? – she hissed. -I think they’re watching us -Zack growled annoyed. What the hell do they expect to see? A couple of neon signs that say we’re lying? “Or that we’re not acting like a couple,” Andrea added, and he pressed his lips together. “You know what? Well, if they came to see something, then we’re going to give them something to see!” A moment later, Zack turned around with her in his arms, rolling her over his body, and Andrea took a deep breath before lowering her head and kissing him. This time it was Zack who was surprised, but Andrea didn’t give him time to ask questions. Her small, sweet tongue sank into Zack’s mouth and he growled with pleasure at feeling her take control. It was an incredible kiss. One of those that stirs every fiber of your body and makes you lose your breath. Zack responded with the same passion, sliding his hands down her back and pulling her closer to hold her in his arms. When they finally separated, Andrea smiled mischievously. “Was that convincing enough?” she asked in a mocking tone and Zack nodded. -I even found it convincing! -Well, I hope your sisters’ cockatoos leave you alone now, or I swear I’ll put rockets under their beds!-she said laughing but Zack’s face was serious and thoughtful-. What’s wrong? -How come you’re better at defending others than yourself? -he asked sitting up and Andrea was sitting astride his legs. How come you’d rather fight for me than for yourself? Andrea opened and closed her mouth several times before something convincing came out. -It’s not that I’m better, it’s just that… I don’t want you to get hurt.This belongs © nò-vél.svèrsé/cóm.