Damien’s pov.
I didn’t want to leave Bella, but the thought of going into that store felt uncomfortable.
So i left to get the girls some food. I know Bella is really tired and i know just how to take all the pain away.
I went to a local pizza House and ordered the food. In 15 minutes the pizzas were handed over to me.
I was making my way back when i saw a jewelry shop. A small ruby pendent caught my eye.
The ruby’s were cut in heart shapes and were shining in the light.
“It would look beautiful on bella”
Dom said in my head.
“Yeah” i replied.
I quickly entered the store and told the man on the counter to pack the set.
I told him to wrap in in a nice giftwrap.
I took the box and hid it under my shirt. I will give it to bella when we reach home.
I know she will like it.
I reached the store, and saw Nina standing alone looking everywhere. Where is bella?
“Nina, where is bella?” I asked
“She said she is going to the restroom. But i guess she’s taking her time.” Nina said
But i don’t have a good feeling about it.
“Let me just go and check.” Nina said.
“I’ll come with you. I’ll stand outside.”
We made our way to the restroom and was immediately hit by the scent of b***d.
I saw b***d on the floor and sensed Bella’s scent lingering in the air, along with a foul, pungent smell. Rogue.
They took Bella!!
Oh god! Why did i leave her side! It’s all my fault!
She doesn’t know how to defend herself. If they even touch a single hair on her head, i will burn them alive.
I snap out of the thoughts when i see Nina pick up something.
Its a note. Nina reads it and starts sobbing. I snatch the note out of her hands and read it. My b***d boils as i read it.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.
How dare he!
He took her! Because of what happened years ago, which had nothing to do with bella!
He will pay!
I’m coming to get you bella, hang on. I mind linked Nate to get the best worriers from the pack and meet me near the mall.
I will find her and end this stupid chase once and for all.
The note :
I know you are probably looking for your mate now, so to ease your worries i left this note. I still remember that day 3 years ago, and i won’t let you forget it too. You will suffer as much as i did.
-best wishes