Isabella’s pov.
While driving to the mall I couldn’t help but feel as if something bad is gonna happen.
Aside from the bad feeling, I’m very excited! I’ve never been to the mall before. I only received few old, used clothes from the pack, so i never had a reason to go.
Damien parked the car and got out. I was about to open the door when Damien did it for me.
“I’m a gentleman remember.” He said with a playful smirk.
I smiled and took his hand.
“Ya, be a gentleman for your mate and forget about your baby sister.” Nina pouted, still sitting in the back seat, arms crossed.
“Aww, is my baby sister mad at me?. Come on Nina, I’m sorry, here you take my other hand.” Damien extended his other hand and helped her out.
“Perks of being a baby sister!” Nina said quietly in my ear.
We giggled at her tactics. I wish i had a big brother too, a caring big brother, like Damien is.
“Let’s go, girls” Damien said and ushered us in.
The mall could be described in one word : amazing!
It has everything i would ever wished to have.
As soon as we entered Nina dragged us to ‘forever 21’ to buy me some clothes.
Damien said to buy anything that catches my eyes. Money is not a problem. But I can’t just spend so much of his money on me, so i just picked a pair of flowy tops, 1 one direction t-shirt, 2 Jean’s.
I placed my clothes on the counter. The person was about to pack the stuff when Nina came out with heaps of clothes in her hand.
“Pack these too.” She huffed and dumped them on the counter.
“Nina?” I asked
“Oh don’t worry, these are your clothes. Damien chose all of them and i just carried them here.” My jaw practically hit the floor and my eyed were wide.
“They are probably more than 100 pairs of clothing Nina!” I exclaimed.
“Maybe more. Damien saw you picking only a few, so he made it a mission to by everything that he thought would look good on you.” She said with a squeal and bright smile.
“That would be $2067.65 miss.” The cashier said and my eyes widened.
“Thats it?” Nina asked in confusion. “I thought it would go up to 3 grand or something, but anywho. We have to find Damien to pay for them now”
“No need to find me, im here.” Damien appeared with some more dresses in his hand.
“Damien?” I asked, my face showing pure horror.
“What?” He asked innocently.
“What are you doing!” I whisper- yelled.
“Shopping for my princess, since she won’t do it herself. You know i think i saw a really nice dress at the rack behind somewhere-“
“Don’t you dare! You know how much those cost! $2067.65! We can’t add anymore. We have to reduce some!” I said pointing my finger at him.
He only gave me an amused look and told the cashier to pack the ones he brought.
The person was more than happy to do that. I just pouted and crossed my arms.
By the time we almost finished shopping it was already 3:30. And don’t get me started at the money that was spent.i was exhausted And my feet were killing me.
“Uhhh” my legs almost gave out, but Damien, being my saviour, saved me.
“Baby you look so tired, let’s go home ok? We can continue another time” he said while holding me up by my waist. His touch spread warmth through my body, and i felt somewhat relaxed.
“But- but we didn’t go to a very important place! It will be the last, i swear!” Nina said bouncing on her feet.
“But i can’t walk anymore Nina, if i do, I’m sure I won’t be able to walk for a month!” I said giving a sad face.
“But it’s important! Lets go!” She said and walked ahead.
“Come on, you can hop on my back, I’ll carry you.” Damien said turning around.
“No. My weight will crush you!” I said. Yes i gained so much weight in just a week. I gained 3 pounds!
“Baby are you kidding me? You weight nothing more than a feather!” He chuckled and lifted me on his back.
He placed his hand under my thighs and my hands around his neck.
Our most of the bags were already in the car, cause we could not carry them all. And the rest were with Nina.
We soon found Nina. But the store where she was standing at made my cheeks burn like fire.
She had to go to Victoria’s secret!
She saw us and waved. I could tell that damien was getting uncomfortable.
“I see you got yourself a ride, huh?” Nina said and wiggled her eyebrows.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.
I blushed and hid my face in Damien’s shoulder.
“Her feet were aching Nina, the least i could do is carry her.” He replied.
“Ok then let’s go inside.” She said.
“And Damien you can come with us if you want. But if not, then why don’t you make yourself useful and bring lunch for us, while we are here?” Nina said innocently.
Damien reluncantly let me down and faced me.
“Baby It won’t take long ok? I’ll be back before you know. Just shop whatever you want and meet me here ok?” He said and i nodded.
“And what do you want for lunch, or late lunch?” He asked me.
I just shrugged my shoulder and smiled.
“I’ll get pizza then?” I nodded.
Pizza sounds good.
He blew me a k**s and smiled before turning around.
I didn’t notice when Nina came and dragged me to the store.
“He’s whipped! Like totally. He can’t get enough of you! But i can tell why. You are everything he wished for!” She gushed and picked a pair of underwear, before making a disgusted face and putting it back on the shelf
“He wished for a mate like me?” Why would he wish for someone like me?
“He would tell us that how his mate will be the cutest thing ever! She would be really kind and generous. You fit perfectly in all of these. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already prepared the box full of toys and chocolates.” She said putting things in the cart.
“It was on his to-do-list for when he found his mate. He made it when he was 6. Dad helped him, Damien said he would give his mate all his toys and chocolates once he meets her, believe me he kept all his toys as good as new till this date.” She laughed.
I found it really sweet. Damien looks so tough and scary from the outside, but from the inside he is soo soft.
I’m lucky to be his mate.
We continued shopping for more…under clothes, when i felt the need to use the rest room.
“Hey Nina, I’m going to the rest room ok? I will come back fast.” I saw her nod and i went to find the restroom.
It was at the far end. I quickly did my business and washed my hands.
I took a step out, when suddenly a sharp pain shot up on the left side of my head.
I touched it and saw b***d dripping on the floor. My vision started to become blurry and the last thing i saw and heard was a silhouette of a man and his laugh before i slipped into darkness.